Lallemantia royleana Benth. is an annual, biennial or perennial herb, belonging to the family Lamiaceae, commonly known as Balangu. It is cultivated throughout Western Asia, India, Pakistan and Northern of Iraq. In Unani system of medicine it act as a Mudire Baul (Diuretic), Muqawwi Qalb (Cardiotonic), Musakkin (Sedative) etc and used for treatment of Nazla wa Zukam (Common cold) , Humma (Fever), Dard Mafasil (Joint pain), Hudar (Rheumatism), Amraze Gurda (Renal disorder), Zofe Qalb (Weakness of heart) etc. Traditional observation reports that this plant retains potential to cure infectious diseases. Nowadays, it is receiving substantial consideration by scientist and pharmaceutical research industries with the aim to explore for more effective substitute. The seeds contain linoleic, oleic, betasitosterol, palmitic and stearic acids, its gums are composed of L-rhamnose, L-arabinose, D-galactose, protein, uronic anhydride and are generally used for the treatment of abscesses, inflammation and respiratory problems, also used in drinks due to its sedative effects. This plant seems to possess many undiscovered pharmacological properties which have to be explored.
Keywords: Lallemantia royleana Benth, Unani medicine, Traditionl medicine.