In the context of the changes in the migration process taking place in the world, the support of compatriots, the protection of their rights and freedoms are becoming one of the key priorities of Kazakhstan's foreign policy. In the context of world migration processes, a state needs to construct new approaches to diasporas regarding its own experience in solving problems in this area and an international experience. Return migration as a specific type of migration that sometimes takes the form of ethnic repatriation. Kazakhstan is only going to adopt a special act aimed at the repatriation and state support of the ties of foreign Kazakhs with their historical homeland. The methodological basis for clarifying the definitions contained in legal acts was the laws of formal logic; the analysis of normative legal acts was carried out. The general scientific methods -logical, structural and system analysis, synthesis, comparison, abstraction, induction and deduction, modeling, special techniques, methods of studying phenomena and processes (specifically historical, dialectical, formal-logical, structural-functional, method of comparative jurisprudence) were used in this study. The purpose of the study is to study the legal aspects of supporting compatriots in accordance with the legislation of such countries as the Russian Federation, the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Korea, to determine the main directions of development of the relevant Kazakh legislation. The experience and legislation of Germany, Russia, and South Korea were studied, since they have special laws regulating the repatriation and state support of foreign compatriots. The study examined the legal acts of the Russian Federation, the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Korea on repatriation. There were analyzed provisions of the legislation of Germany, Russia and Korea on state support for repatriates -these are adaptation measures, the right to receive medical care, educational services, the opportunity to work or do business, assistance in learning the state language and granting citizenship.