MICROSECONDRESPONSE OF EL CELLS 855 mally, giving rise to the decay of L, with decreasing pulse repetition rate noted above. One point, as yet uninterpreted, remains. In the present work and in that of Briggs, Liamichev, and Orlov, and Hoffman and Smith, a luminescence decay time of about 10 ~sec was observed on removal of the applied field. Haake and Zallen et al. have found the decay time to be of millisecond order. The difference could be inherent in the phosphors used, but it is interesting to note that in the published work a definite relation exists between the EL cell thickness and the EL decay time, thicker cells requiring longer decay times. This correlation can be understood if the equivalent circuit for the thin cell is a parallel connected capacitor and resistor. Thicker cells would be series connections of these units. At the end of the excitation pulse, e.g., as in Fig. 3, the amplifier presents a low, ca. 1000 ohm, impedance to the decay of charge from the cell. In the series connection of a thicker cell, however, the low generator impedance would not dominate and a much larger RC product would obtain, causing a slower decay of the internal field and of the EL flash. In support of this, Briggs (2), in measuring the charge flow in the cell during pulsing, found that charge continues to flow during the EL decay time, indicating some sort of RC discharge process.
ABSTRACTThe importance of suitable seeds in dendritic growth of long ribbons of semiconductors is discussed, and investigations to determine the characteristics of suitable seeds are reported. Studies of growth buttons have yielded information about the initiation of spontaneous and also controlled dendritic growth from buttons. Some information on the growth of the dendrites is presented to suggest that the growth mechanism is more complicated than previously presumed.) unless CC License in place (see abstract). ecsdl.org/site/terms_use address. Redistribution subject to ECS terms of use (see Downloaded on 2015-06-21 to IP ) unless CC License in place (see abstract). ecsdl.org/site/terms_use address. Redistribution subject to ECS terms of use (see Composition: 25 parts conc. HNO~, 15 parts glacial acetic acid, 15 parts 48% I4F, and 0.3 parts bromine. ) unless CC License in place (see abstract). ecsdl.org/site/terms_use address. Redistribution subject to ECS terms of use (see Downloaded on 2015-06-21 to IP