Laser-induced fluorescence on a beam of metastable N& (A X"+) molecules has been used to study the hyperfine structure of the (10,6) band of the N~( 8-A) transition. The hyperfllne structure of the B Hp and Hi states was found to have an unusual, oscillatory J dependent:e. This was explained by perturbation theory, and hyperfine-structure constants for the B state were derived from a data fit. At the same time results from earlier, less-direct experiments on the A-state hyperfine structure were confirmed and extended. Using sub-Doppler laser spectroscopy, the hyperfine structure (hfs) of molecular transitions can be resolved. We have done hfs measurements on the (10,6) band of the Np ( B H g A X"+ ) system by laser-induced fluorescence (LIF), crossing a beam of metastable Nq (A) molecules at right angles with a dye laser beam. A very unusual hfs of the B 'Hp and 'Hl states was found, exhibiting an oscillatory dependence on J. This contrasts with the much more regular hfs of the A state, which is known from earlier, Rabitype experiments on a beam of Nt (A) (Refs. I and 2), but was determined in the present work for a much greater number of J levels. Nq (A) molecules were prepared by striking a dc discharge -2 A directly in an N~nozzle beam, using the nozzle itself as an anode. With a nozzle temperature of 720 K, nozzle diameter of 1 mm, and a backing pressure of 30 Torr, a rotational temperature of 315 K for N& (A, v=6) was measured by LIF. About 300 lines of the (10,6) band of Nq (B A) were record-ed on a strip chart and were identified using molecular constants from the literature. Using very slow ( -1 MHz/sec) laser scan speeds, the hfs of all lines was measured with a resolution of up to 15 MHz full width at half maximum (FWHM), and with very good S/N ratio. The hfs splittings were determined using an interferometer with a 62.S-MHz free spectral range.As an example, Fig. 1 shows the hfs pattern of the 033 ( 2 ) line; I I of the expected I 3 components are resolved. I All distinguishable hfs components of all measured lines were identified, on the basis of the AF=O, +1 selection rule and the approximate proportionality between line intensities and F values. hfs level splittings of both the Nt (B) and Nq (A) states were then derived from the measured splittings of the lines. Figures 3 and 3 show the results. The level separations, as a function of J, are plotted relative to the central component (having F= J), which is shown as a horizontal line.The estim;lted accuracy of the data is +2 MHz. In the Nq (A) state, Fig. 2, hfs splittings of the Fl and F3 finestructure terms (regular and inverted, respectively) tend to a constant limit with increasing J, while the Fq term shows a measurable hfs only for the lowest J. The hfs of N( B, Hp i q'.l Fig. 3, is very striking: For Hz, the splitting decreases ]monotonically, and in the same way for ortho-Nq and para-Nq. For Hp, levels with no detectable splitting alternate with levels which are split. For ortho-Nq, levels with even J are split; for para-Nq, those with odd J...