THE OANADIAN ENTon,IoLo(+IST. IO9 Proceedings an-d rransactions oJ the I'ioaa scoti,an Institu,te of Naturq,r -__Science.Vol. ii., part ii., isaZ_s. Ilalifax, N.S, W. Ct,..ip. we cannot but congratulate our sister prorrince. far awav bv the ?jl:^g".its enterprising and varuabre rnstitute oi Nut".ui's.iLrr"", $hlch, ,ludging lrom its published transactions, and trre interesting newsl,a}.,er reports of it,s meetings. is doing n good and usel'l wor.kl 'Ihe volume belbre us,,though certainly raihetl,rte irr iis u.ppearance, contains many vaiuable and-interestin"g pafers on varioui'branches ot n.a1 ural scrence, especialry crn 1,he maiin-e launa arrd minera.logy of the countrv. Address to the members aJ the Tynes,id,e Natural,ists, Fi,etcl, Ctub. Rv the President, the_Rev. Angus'Bethune, ILA,;;;;J";t lts iZ"a Anniversary lVIeeting.Ilrnnx ro Yor,. I.-\4'e pulp_ose is."uing a title page and inclex to the first volume of the ianolrlian intodoiogist, *IiZt tt i. "ii_t u, compietes, with our issue of next month, the fi1st of the nerv volume.