In this paper, a single-chip TV receiver called universal mobile television (UMTV) is presented. UMTV requires no external components and has a power dissipation of 150mW. It is a multi-standard receiver for all analog and digital TV standards. The device needs a single supply of 3V, a 3-wire interface to a microcontroller, and an antenna connection. Its outputs are composite video, low-IF, and mono sound. The signal processing itself is performed in dedicated analog hardware but all control and alignment functions are realized in the digital domain.There are several silicon tuners available [1][2][3], but they are dedicated to the digital set-top box market. Due to their high power consumption they are not attractive for portable use. Furthermore, they still require more than 15 external components like external SAW filters for channel selectivity, a tunable resonator, several external varicaps for the RF oscillator (LO), and multiple tunable RF antenna circuits. For demodulation and sound reception additional ICs and external components are required which are different depending on the TV standard [4].In mobile phones with portable TV applications, advanced technology is used to miniaturize the normal tuner cans. The smallest reported size is 2400mm 3 (20mm×30mm×3mm) [5]. Its power consumption is 900mW. The proposed solution has a size of 45mm 3 (7mm×7mm×0.9mm) and consumes 150mW. In the design of UMTV the following design targets are set: high sensitivity (low NF), low power dissipation, high harmonic suppression, and multi-standard operation (PAL, NTSC, SECAM, DVB-H, etc.). o in the loop will be achieved at different frequencies depending on I2. By controlling the total gain in the loop, sufficient phase margin at gain>1 is obtained to keep the loop stable. By making more phase shift in the loop (e.g., by increasing the order of the LPF) the Q-factor will be higher and the shape of the curve will change. Also, by changing the ratio of C1, C2, and C3 the Q-factor can be controlled. For an LNA to keep the noise at a low level, it is important to keep component count as low as possible. This wideband tunable LNA is designed in silicon with only 5 transistors and no dominant resistors in the signal path. The LNA measurement results are given in Fig. 23.2.4. Frequency response for various tuning currents is shown. The inset in Fig. 23.2.4 shows that the NF is always better than 9dB over the total VHF and UHF band (40MHz to 900MHz). This NF is measured at the end of the IF filter/amplifier, so it includes the LNA itself, the mixer construction for suppression of the 3 rd and 5 th harmonics, the active-IF filter, and the IF amplifier. The suppression of the 3 rd , 5 th , and the 7 th harmonics is better than 60dB, 80dB and 50dB over the whole TV band. The LNA draws a total current of 2mA at 40MHz and 3mA at 900MHz, respectively. The supply range is 2.7V to 5V.Another crucial block of the UMTV chip is the LO. It is a quadrature oscillator with a tuning range from 420 to 900MHz. The principle of the integrated digita...