Expression of cyclooxygenase 2 (COX2, now known as PTGS2), prostaglandin E2 synthase (PTGES, PGES), and prostaglandin F2a synthase (PGFS), of the respective receptors PTGFR (FP), PTGER2 (EP2), and PTGER4 (EP4) and of the progesterone receptor (PGR, PR) was assessed by real-time PCR, immunohistochemistry (IHC), or in situ hybridization (ISH) in utero/placental tissue samples collected from three to five bitches on days 8-12 (pre-implantation), 18-25 (post-implantation), and 35-40 (mid-gestation) of pregnancy and during the prepartal luteolysis. Additionally, ten mid-pregnant bitches were treated with the antiprogestin aglepristone (10 mg/kg bw (2!/24 h)); ovariohysterectomy was 24 and 72 h after the second treatment. Plasma progesterone and 15-ketodihydro-PGF2a (PGFM) concentrations were determined by RIA. Expression of the PGR was highest before implantation and primarily located to the endometrium; expression in the placenta was restricted to the decidual cells. PTGS2 was constantly low expressed until mid-gestation; a strong upregulation occurred at prepartal luteolysis concomitant with an increase in PGFM. PGFS was upregulated after implantation and significantly elevated through early and mid-gestation. PTGES showed a gradual increase and a strong prepartal upregulation. PTGFR, PTGER2, and PTGER4 were downregulated after implantation; a gradual upregulation of PTGFR and PTGER2 occurred towards parturition. ISH and IHC co-localized PGFS, PTGFR, PTGES, and PTGS2 in the trophoblast and endometrium. The changes following application of aglepristone were in the same direction as those observed from mid-gestation to prepartal luteolysis. These data suggest that the prepartal increase of PGF2a results from a strong upregulation of PTGS2 in the fetal trophoblast with the withdrawal of progesterone having a signalling function and the decidual cells playing a key role in the underlying cell-to-cell crosstalk.
The effect of subclinical mastitis on serum estradiol and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) levels during oestrus and subsequent fertility was investigated in dairy cows. 40 cows were divided into two groups as healthy control (n=20) and subclinical mastitis (n=20), according to the results of California Mastitis Test (CMT) and bacteriological isolation and identification. Cows were synchronised with a standart 7 day Ovsynch protocol. Following prostaglandin F2alpha (PGF2α) administration, cows were examined with trans-rectal ultrasonography at 24, 36 and 48 th h, dominant follicle diameters were recorded and blood samples were collected. Sixteen h after the second gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) administration, cows were inseminated and a final examination of ovaries were performed and dominant follicle diameters were recorded. estradiol and TNF-α concentrations were analysed with ELISA in serum samples. No significant differences were found between the follicular diameters and growth patterns (P>0.05) of the two groups while estradiol concentations were significantly higher in the subclinical mastitis group than the control group at 24 and 48 h after PGF2α injection (P=0.017 and P=0.036 respectively). Also TNF-α levels were significantly higher in cows with subclinical mastitis than the control group (P=0.03). Positive correlations were observed between estradiol and TNF-α levels, in both groups (Control Group: R=0.512, P=0.021; Subclinical Mastitis Group: R=0.826, P<0.001). Overall pregnancy rate was higher in the control group (40%) than the subclinical mastitis (25%) group however the difference was not statistically significant (P>0.05). In conclusion estradiol and TNF-α concentrations were found higher in cows with subclinical mastitis during estrus and this data may be due to a luteal insufficiency during the initiation of synchronization, however further studies are required. Özet Süt ineklerinde subklinik mastitislerin serum östradiol ve tümör nekrozis faktör alfa (TNF-α) düzeyleri ve fertilite üzerine etkileri araştırıldı. Kaliforniya Mastitis Test (CMT) ve bakteriyolojik izolasyon identifikasyon sonuçlarına göre 40 inek sağlıklı kontrol (n=20) ve subklinik mastitisli (n=20) olmak üzere iki gruba ayrıldı. İnekler standart bir 7 günlük Ovsynch protokolü ile senkronize edildi. Prostaglandin F2 alfa (PGF2α) uygulamasını takiben inekler 24, 36 ve 48. saatlerde transrektal ultrasonografi ile muayene edildi, dominant follikül çapları kaydedildi ve kan örnekleri toplandı. İkinci gonadotropin salgılatıcı hormon (GnRH) uygulamasını takiben 16. saatte inekler tohumlandı, son bir ovaryum muayenesi yapıldı ve dominant follikül çapları kaydedildi. Serum örneklerinde östradiol ve TNF-α düzeyleri ELISA ile belirlendi. Folikül çapları ve folliküler gelişim özelliği yönünden iki grup arasında önemli bir fark görülmezken (P>0.05), serum östradiol konsantrasyonları subklinik mastitis grubunda kontrol grubuna göre PGF2α enjeksiyonunu takiben 24 ve 48. saatlerde belirgin ölçüde yüksek bulundu (sırasıyla, P=0.017 ...
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