4) ABSTRAK Semua bidang telah didukung oleh teknologi, terutama di dunia pendidikan dalam proses belajar mengajar untuk menentukan kualitas lulusan universitas. Di dunia pendidikan Raharja College telah menerapkan metode pembelajaran iLearning untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran. Siswa diberikan pengalaman belajar menggunakan metode iLearning yang merupakan proses pembelajaran menggunakan Sepuluh Pilar IT iLearning (TPI) media. Namun, pembelajaran iLearning dinilai belum efektif dimana terdapat banyak mahasiswa yang kurang berkomunikasi dengan dosen juga kurangnya informasi seputar perkuliahan. Maka dari itu, dibuatlah sebuah metode pembelajaran yang baru guna proses belajar mengajar menjadi lebih efektif dan dapat terus dikembangkan, terdapatnya gamifikasi dalam pembelajaran online berguna memacu mahasiswa menjadi lebih semangat juga menjadi sebuah alternatif dalam mengorganisasi dan mengkondisikan situasi belajar agar lebih menarik dan tidak monoton, sehingga dapat menyenangkan dan membangun karakter bagi mahasiswa dalam mengikuti perkuliahan online, terdapatnya leaderboard yang berupa level keaktifan mahasiswa, juga berguna untuk mengetahui seberapa aktif mahasiswa dalam mengerjakan tugas maupun memahami materi perkuliahan yang sudah diberikan oleh dosen.
The use of automation in the control system as a means of efficiency of work has been commonly used and is a mechanism that runs automatically using a continuous media controller as instructed. At SMAN 14 Kab. Tangerang in order to improve the adiwiyata program must have a clean and well-run environment, but in the case of a garbage disposal system there are still shortcomings, namely the absence of information to school cleaners when the trash can is full so that the waste piles up, still using conventional methods of waste removal to the shelter. As well as a lack of information to the garbage truck officers who come so that the garbage piles up. With this research, an automatic waste disposal system was created which was intended as a tool to help work and provide hygiene information. The tool to be made consists of ultrasonic sensors and Wemos D1. Where the Ultrasonic sensor will provide volume information on the trash to Wemos D1 that is connected to Adafruit, if it is full Wemos D1 the shelter will retrieve data using the MQTT method. Next will take action to deliver the shelter to a full trash can through a linear actuator for disposal. By making this research can produce a tool with a control system automatically that helps human work as well as notifications regarding the capacity of the shelter and trash
SMPIT Insan Rabbani juga berperan serta untuk menjaga keberlangsungan pembelajaran tetap berjalan dengan baik selama masa pandemi mengikuti Surat Edaran Nomor 15 Tahun 2020 tentang Pedoman Penyelenggaraan Belajar Dari Rumah Dalam Masa Darurat Penyebaran COVID-19. Melalui kegiatan abdimas ini bertujuan untuk sharing knowledge terkait metode pembelajaran online yang saat ini sangat dibutuhkan pada masa pandemi dengan pemanfaatan media pembelajaran online sebagai pendukung peningkatan pelayanan pendidikan kepada guru memiliki kemampuan dalam pemanfaatan aplikasi Google Classroom. Semetara metode yang digunakan metode training secara praktis melalui transfer ilmu melalui pelatihan dan simulasi pelatihan aplikasi Google Classroom yang dilakukan secara virtual melalui Google Meets dan Zoom diharapkan tercapainya kemampuan yang merata dalam pemahaman dan penguasaan aplikasi Google Classroom sebagai pendukung pembelajaran online guna meningkatkan dan menambah pengetahuan dan kemampuan para guru dalam pemanfataan aplikasi Google Classroom sehingga kegiatan pembelajaran online dapat berjalan efektif dengan kemudahan bagi para guru untuk dapat membuat kelas virtual yang meliputi pemberian materi, kuis, tugas dan forum diskusi dengan para siswa tanpa harus melakukan penginstalan aplikasi terlebih dahulu.
Today the world of business is growing rapidly so as to stimulate the number of the establishment of companies in various fields. Computers play an important role in every activity in an organization or company. With the computer all the data processing or other important documents can be arranged systematically so that the process of storing and searching data can be more easily and efficiently. Currently there are many companies use the system sales manually, using brochures or print media to find consumers are considered less effective and requires a lot of funds. With the current technological developments, in this study want to try to lift Baby Wise Shop by creating online marketing in the form of website. By using the facilities of computer technology and internet, trying to make sales facilities that can save time then the sales can run well Design sales program created using Dreamweaver CS5, and the database used using Mysql so that the database is stored neatly. The development of this website is expected to be easier for consumers to obtain information about what is offered from Baby Wise Shop. In addition, this online sales website responsive web-based, so that customers can easily buy the latest products, anytime, anywhere want to buy the goods. Keywords: Sales, Information, Customer, Online
Submission of information is an important thing in a system. A good system that is able to communicate to its users by conveying information correctly and clearly. In the examiner rating system found in Raharja College before the system still did not provide information about theprofile of the Thesis and Final Project students. Submitting the lack of information is felt to make the previously running system unable to communicate to its users. Therefore it is necessary to develop a student profile information system so that it can communicate to its usersclearly. After the examiner assessment system that has been developed becomes online, the student profile information system is also developed online by adding some information that can make the system more communicating to its users. Research to develop a student profile information system on the assessment of trial examiners using observational research methods, interviews and literature studies. The researcher made observations by looking at the shortcomings of the system, then conducting interviews with stakeholders, then the researchers sought similar research in order to solve the problems that had been obtained. It is expected that after being applied to the Testing Assessment system, the delivery of information regarding the profile of the Thesis trial and Final Project students can be better and clearer. Because information about student profiles is very important for examiners in providing trial scores to Thesis and Final Project students.
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