Complex formation between Pb II and the common environmental inorganic ligands, Cl -, OH -, CO 3 2-, SO 4 2-, and PO 4 3-, can be significant in natural waters with low concentrations of organic matter. Numerical modeling of the speciation of Pb II amongst these inorganic ligands requires reliable values for the relevant stability (formation) constants. This paper provides a critical review of such constants and related thermodynamic data. It recommends values of log 10 β p,q,r°v alid at I m = 0 mol kg -1 and 25 °C (298.15 K), along with the equations and empirical coefficients required to calculate log 10 β p,q,r values at higher ionic strengths using the Brønsted-Guggenheim-Scatchard specific ion interaction theory (SIT). Some values for reaction enthalpies, Δ r H, are also reported.In weakly acidic fresh water systems (-log 10 {[H + ]/c°} < 6), the speciation of Pb II is similar to that of Cu II . In the absence of organic ligands, Pb II speciation is dominated by Pb 2+ (aq), with PbSO 4 (aq) as a minor species. In weakly alkaline solutions, 8.0 < -log 10 {[H + ]/c°} < 9.0, the speciation is dominated by the carbonato species PbCO 3 (aq) and Pb(CO 3 ) 2 2-. In weakly acidic saline systems (-log 10 {[H + ]/c°} < 6), the speciation is dominated by PbCl n (2-n)+ complexes, (n = 0-3), with Pb 2+ (aq) as a minor species. In this medium (and in seawater), the speciation contrasts with that of Cu II because of the higher stability of the Pb 2+ -chlorido-complexes. In seawater at -log 10 {[H + ]/c°} = 8.2, the calculated speciation is less well defined, although it is clearly dominated by the uncharged species PbCO 3 (aq) (41 % of [Pb] T ) with a significant contribution (16 %) from Pb(CO 3 )Cl -and minor contributions (5-10 %) from PbCl n (2-n)+ , (n = 0-3) and Pb(CO 3 ) 2 2-. The uncertainty in calculations of Pb II speciation in seawater arises from (a) the large uncertainty in the stability constant for the apparently dominant species PbCO 3 (aq), (b) the reliance on statistical predictions for stability constants of the ternary species Pb(CO 3 )Cl -and Pb(CO 3 )OH -, and (c) the uncertainty in the stability constant for PbCl 4 2-, the available value being considered