In this paper we continue our study of the asymptotic behavior of polynomials Qm.(z), m, n c N, of degree -~ n satisfying the orthogonal relation (*) ~c~lQ,.,,(~) ~=O, l=O,.,.,n-1, where the function f(z) is supposed to be analytic on a continuum V~ C and all its singularities are supposed to be contained in a set E ~ C of capacity zero, to,,+,(z) is a polynomial of degree m + n + 1 with all its zeros contained in V, and the path of integration C separates V from the set E. We state and prove results concerning the asymptotic magnitude of the integral in (*) for l= n,n+l, ....
Main Results
In [ 1 ]we investigated the asymptotic distribution of the zeros of nontrivial polynomials Q.,n of degree < n which satisfy (1.1) ~c~lQmn(~) f(~! d~=O, l=O,...,n-1, where m, n ~ N, and the function f(z) is supposed to be analytic on a simply connected continuum V~ (2 and to have all its singularities in a set E c_ ~ of (logarithmic) capacity zero. Further it is supposed that among the singularities there are branch points. The path of integration C separates the continuum V from E, and tom+, is a given polynomial of degree m + n + 1 with all its zeros contained in V.It has been shown [1, Theorem 1] that if the m + n + 1 zeros of o~m+~ possess a certain asymptotic distribution for m + n -> oo and m/n --> 1, then the asymptotic distribution of the zeros of the polynomials Qm, is essentially determined by relation (1.