Maranhio, Natal, and the coast. 10. Cretaceous.-Sergipe, Bahia, Serra do Araripe, Ceara, Parahyba. Parecis beds of Matto Grosso.Baurì of SAo Paulo (Wealden)Marahì Bahia. Sao Bento series of Santa Catharina. 9. Igneous Rocks.-Pre-Cretaceous igneous, alkaline rocks and their associates, including nephelene syenite, foyaite, tinguaite, phonolite, syenite, trachyte, gabbro, diabase, diabase-basalt, and the Triassic "trap" of the southern states. 8. Triassic.-Maracaj i of southern Matto Grosso; BotucatG of Sdo Paulo; Rio do Rasto of Santa Catharina; Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul with Scaphonyx. 7. Upper Permian.-Passa Dois series of Santa Catharina, Stereosternum and Mesosaurus beds with cherty concretions of Sio Paulo. Piauhy, Bahia (Aricy); Estancia beds of Sergipe, Maranhdo e Goyaz (Psaronius beds), Matto Grosso. 6. Lower Permian.-Tubarao series of Santa Catharina; coal beds of southern states with Glossopteris flora; glacial beds, Orleans conglomerate. Serra Grande series of Piauhy and Ceara of Small. Salita Limestones, Bahia Limestones of Rio das Velhas. 5. Carboniferous.-Marine beds of Rio Uatuma, Frechal e Pedra do Barco in Amazonas; Itaituba, Trombetas, Maecurfi and Curua, Para; Lavras quartzites of Bahia. 4. Devonian.-Erere (above), Maecurfi and Curua' in Amazon valley. Ponta Grossa shales in Parana; Chapada in Matto Grosso; Caboclo shales, Bahia. 3. Silurian.-Rio Trombetas, state of Par&. Tombador in Bahia Cu-yabi slates, etc. 2. Early Paleozoic.-Itacolumite ? Iron manganese and schists of Minas Geraes; quartzites of Serra de Jacobina and elsewhere in Bahia. Lisboa's Bodoquena of Matto Grosso. i. Archean.-Brazilian complex: gneiss, schists, granite.