要 約 2011年東北地方太平洋沖地震後に福島県浜通り付近で発生した正断層の地震群の強震記録) ( log 10 ln log ) ( log ) ( log 10 10 10 10 Q=70f 0.9 でモデル化された。これは、東日本の逆断層の地殻内地震の震源近傍における平均的Q値 6) であるQ=35fの約2倍であり、減衰しにくい特徴があることがわかった。 ・ M J 7.0の正断層の地震(M w 6.6)では、比較対象とした逆断層のM J 6.4の2003年宮城県北部の地震(M w 6.1) Res. Lett., Vol.68, 1997, pp.199-222. 16) Modelling,Vol.12, No.8, 1989, pp. 967-973. 25) Satoh, T. : Inversion of Qs value of deep sediments from surface-to-borehole spectral ratios considering obliquely incident SH and SV-waves, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., Vol.96, 2006, pp.943-956. 26) Boore, D. M. : Stochastic simulation of high-frequency ground motions based on seismological models of the radiated spectra, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., Vol.73, 1983Vol.73, , pp.1865Vol.73, -1894) Boore, D. M. and J. Boatwright : Average body-wave radiation coefficient, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., Vol.74, 1984Vol.74, , pp.1615Vol.74, -1621 2) Non-Member, Director, Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization, Mr. Eng.
ABSTRACTWe estimate the short-period spectral level A of the normal-faulting earthquakes in Hamadori, Fukushima prefecture in 2011 using the spectral inversion method. The A of M J 7.0(M w 6.6) earthquake is consistent with the average empirical relation between the seismic moment and A for crustal earthquakes. The PGA and PGV of this earthquake corrected by empirical site-amplification factor at each strong motion station agree with the average empirical attenuation relation for crustal earthquakes in Japan. The high area of the fault-normal to fault-parallel ratios of response spectra at 5 second of the normal-faulting earthquakes is longer than that of reverse-faulting earthquakes due to the domination of Rayleigh waves.