INFLUÊNCIA DA COBERTURA MORTA NA EVAPOTRANSPIRAÇÃO, COEFICIENTE DE CULTIVO E EFICIÊNCIA DE USO DE ÁGUA DO MILHO CULTIVADO EM CERRADO HIPÓLITO MURGA-ORRILLO1; WELLINGTON FARIAS ARAÚJO2; CARLOS ABANTO-RODRIGUEZ3; ROBERTO TADASHI SAKAZAKI4; RICARDO MANUEL BARDALES-LOZANO5 E ANA ROSA POLO-VARGAS6 1Engenheiro Agrônomo, Prof. Auxiliar, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Chota, (UNACH), Jr. Gregorio Malca Nº 875- Campus Colpa Matara, Chota, Perú. leohmurga@gmail.com2Engenheiro Agrônomo, Prof. Dr. Associado da UFRR/CCA, Boa Vista, RR. wellington.araujo@ufrr.br3Engenheiro Florestal, Investigador no Instituto de Investigaciones de la Amazonía Peruana, Carretera Federico Basadre, Km 12,400, Yarinacocha, Ucayali, Perú. carforestal24@hotmail.com4Engenheiro Agrônomo, Doutorando na UFRR/CCA, Boa Vista, RR. sakazakitadashi@gmail.com5Engenheiro Agrônomo, Doutorando na UFRR/Bionorte, Boa Vista, RR. rbardaleslozano@yahoo.es6Engenheira Agrônoma, Graduada na Universidad Nacional de Cajamarca, (UNC), Av. Atahualpa Nº 1050- Carretera Cajamarca-Baños del Inca, Cajamarca, Perú. 1 RESUMOA irrigação consome grande quantidade de água, sendo importante um adequado manejo da cultura para minimizar esse consumo, maximizando a produção. No intuito de obter informações para o manejo da irrigação, objetivou-se com o presente trabalho determinar a evapotranspiração da cultura (ETc), o coeficiente de cultivo (Kc) e a eficiência do uso de água (EUAg) da cultura de milho, em solo com e sem cobertura, durante os diferentes estádios de desenvolvimento, utilizando lisímetros de drenagem. O experimento foi conduzido no campus Cauamé da Universidade Federal de Roraima, entre 19/04/2014 e 07/08/2014, em Boa Vista, RR. A evapotranspiração de referência (ETo) foi estimada pelo método de Penman-Monteith FAO. Os resultados da ETc do milho, durante o ciclo da cultura, em solo sem e com cobertura foram de 421,5 e 351,0 mm, respectivamente. As médias diárias de ETc foram de 4,1 mm dia-1 para solo sem cobertura e 3,4 mm dia-1 para solo com cobertura. A cobertura do solo propiciou valores diferentes de Kc's para o milho, nos mesmos estádios, em comparação aos Kc’s do solo descoberto. Para o solo descoberto, os Kc’s observados para os estádios fenológicos I, II, III, e IV, foram de 0,40; 0,84; 1,59 e 0,81, respectivamente. Já para solo com cobertura, os Kc’s pelos mesmos estádios em menção foram 0,28; 0,64; 1,49 e 0,48, respectivamente. A EUAg para solo com cobertura foi 1,77 kg m-3 e para solo sem cobertura foi 1,65 kg m-3. Estes resultados mostram que a cobertura morta no solo influenciou no consumo hídrico do milho durante todo seu ciclo. Palavras-chave: Zea mays. Irrigação. Solo coberto. Consumo hídrico. MURGA-ORRILLO, H.; ARAÚJO, W. F.; ABANTO-RODRIGUEZ C.; SAKAZAKI, R. T.; BARDALES-LOZANO R. M.; POLO-VARGAS, A. R.MULCH INFLUENCE ON EVAPOTRANSPIRATION, CROP COEFFICIENT AND WATER USE EFFICIENCY OF CORN GROWN IN THE SAVANNAH 2 ABSTRACTIrrigation consumes large amounts of water, and minimizing consumption and maximizing the production are important to a proper crop management . In order to obtain information for irrigation management, the aim of the present study was to determine evapotranspiration (ETc), crop coefficient (Kc) and water use efficiency (WUE) of maize grown in soil with and without cover, during the various stages of development, using drainage lysimeters. The experiment was conducted in Cauamé campus of the Federal University of Roraima, from 19/04/2014 to 08/07/2014, in Boa Vista, RR. The reference evapotranspiration (ETo) was estimated by the Penman-Monteith method. The results of the corn ETc during the crop cycle in soil with and without coverage were 421.5 and 351.0 mm, respectively. The daily average of ETc were 4.1 mm day-1 for bare soil and 3.4 mm day-1 for soil with cover. The ground cover led to different values of Kc's for corn in the same stages as compared to Kc's from the bare ground. For bare soil, the Kc's observed for the phenological stages I, II, III, and IV were 0.40; 0.84; 1.59 and 0.81, respectively. As for covered soil, the Kc's in the same stadiums mentioned were 0.28; 0.64; 1.49 and 0.48, respectively. The WUE to soil with cover was 1.77 kg m-3 and ground without cover was 1.65 kg m-3. These results show that soil mulching influenceS maize water consumption throughout its cycle. Keywords: Zea mays. Irrigation. Ground covered. Water consumption.
EVAPOTRANSPIRAÇÃO E COEFICIENTE DE CULTIVO DO FEIJÃO-CAUPI CULTIVADO EM SOLO DO CERRADO SUBMETIDO À COBERTURA MORTA HIPÓLITO MURGA-ORRILLO1; WELLINGTON FARIAS ARAÚJO2; PAULO ROBERTO RIBEIRO ROCHA3; ROBERTO TADASHI SAKAZAKI4; LUIZ FERNANDES SILVA DIONISIO5 E ANA ROSA POLO-VARGAS6 1Engenheiro Agrônomo, Prof. Invitado, Universidad Nacional de Cajamarca, (UNC), Av. Atahualpa Nº 1050- Carretera Cajamarca-Baños del Inca, Cajamarca, Perú. leohmurga@gmail.com2Engenheiro Agrônomo, Prof. Dr. Associado da UFRR/CCA, Boa Vista, RR. wellington.araujo@ufrr.br3Engenheiro Agrônomo, Prof. Adjunto da UFRR/CCA, Boa Vista, RR. Agrônomo, Doutorando na UFRR/CCA, Boa Vista, RR. sakazakitadashi@gmail.com5Engenheiro Florestal, Doutorando na UFRA, Belém, PA. fernandesluiz03@gmail.com6Engenheiro Agrônomo, Graduada na UNC, Av. Atahualpa Nº 1050- Carretera Cajamarca-Baños del Inca, Cajamarca, Perú. 1 RESUMO O conhecimento dos parâmetros hídricos de uma cultura é fundamental para o incremento da produtividade sem o desperdício de água. Objetivou-se com o presente trabalho determinar a evapotranspiração (ETc) e o coeficiente de cultivo (Kc) da cultura de feijão-caupi (Vigna unguiculata L.) cv. Novaera, em condições de solo com e sem o uso de cobertura morta. O experimento foi conduzido no campus Cauamé da Universidade Federal de Roraima, em Boa Vista, RR, entre os meses de abril a julho de 2014. A evapotranspiração de cultivo (ETc) foi obtida por meio de lisímetro de drenagem. Os resultados evidenciaram que a ETc do feijão-caupi para ciclo da cultura sem e com cobertura morta foram de 311,0 e 260,4 mm, com valores médios de 3,5 e 3,0 mm dia-1, respetivamente. O estádio fenológico de maior demanda hídrica foi o reprodutivo atingindo valores de 5,4 mm dia-1 em solo sem cobertura e 4,9 mm dia-1 em solo com cobertura. Os Kc's pelos estádios de desenvolvimento, inicial (I), crescimento (II), reprodutivo (III), e final (IV) pelo método de Penman-Monteith foram equivalentes à 0,42; 0,82; 1,60 e 0,79 em solo sem cobertura morta, e 0,30; 0,73; 1,46 e 0,56 em solo com cobertura morta. Semelhante, o método de Jensen-Haise apresentou valores de 0,38; 0,76; 1,31 e 0,61 em solo sem cobertura morta e 0,29; 0,67; 1,19 e 0,42 em solo com cobertura morta. Palavras-chave: Vigna unguiculata. Otimização de uso de água. Consumo hídrico. MURGA-ORRILLO, H.; ARAÚJO, W. F.; ROCHA, P. R. R.; SAKAZAKI, R. T.; DIONISIO, L. F. S; POLO-VARGAS, A. R.EVAPOTRANSPIRATION (ETc) AND CROP COEFFICIENT (Kc) OF COWPEA CROP IN SOIL WITH AND WITHOUT MULCH COVER IN THE RORAIMA SAVANNAH 2 ABSTRACT The determination of water parameters of a crop during its development is essential to maintain yield without wasting water. This study aimed to determine evapotranspiration (ETc) and crop coefficient (Kc) of cowpea crop (Vigna unguiculata L.) cv. Novaera during the various stages of development in soil conditions with and without mulch. The experiment was conducted in Cauamé, campus of the Federal University of Roraima, from April to July 2014, Boa Vista, Roraima state. Evapotranspiration cultivation (ETc) was obtained by drainage lysimeter, while the evapotranspiration reference (ETo) was estimated by Penman-Monteith and Jensen-Haise methods. The results determined that water consumption of cowpea in soil conditions with and without mulch were 311.0 and 260.4 mm, respectively. For Kc's developmental stages, initial (I), growth (II), reproductive (III), and final (IV), Penman-Monteith method showed values of 0.42, 0.82, 1.60, and 0.79 in soil without mulch, and 0.30, 0.73, 1.46, and 0.56 in soil with mulch, although the Jensen-Haise method showed values of 0.38, 0.76, 1.31 and 0.61 in soil with mulch and 0.29, 0.67, 1.19, and 0.42 in soil with mulch. Keywords: Vigna unguiculata. Optimization of water use. Water consumption
Resumen Se tuvo por objetivo determinar aspectos biológicos, identificar enemigos naturales, y establecer periodos oportunos de control de un gracillariido plaga de tara. Los aspectos biológicos y los enemigos naturales se evaluaron en campo y en laboratorio, los periodos oportunos de control se determinó por interacción hospedero-plaga. Los resultados, el huevo dura 7,8 días y mide 0,34x0,21mm; la larva presenta 4 instares y dura 35,7 días, variando de medidas entre 1 o y 4 o instar de 0,09 a 0,65 mm de diámetro de encéfalo; la pupa dura 14,3 días y mide 6,7mmx1,1mm; el adulto dura 7,5 días y mide 13,43 mm de expansión alar. Presenta enemigos naturales, familias Encyrtidae, Ichneumonidae, y géneros Chelonus sp., Chrysoperla sp., Hemerobius sp., Cicloneda sp., Hipodamia sp., y Zelus spp. Las mejores épocas de control ocurren cuando la fenología de la tara está entre R3.1 a R4 y R3.3 a R6.
Tara production occurs mainly in the altitude gradient, where the edaphoclimatic conditions that affect the production of pods still need to be understood. The goal was to determine the altitudinal and edaphoclimatic effect on the production of tara pods in agroforestry and natural remnants in Cajamarca, Peru. Data analyses performed were the following: principal component analysis (PCA), regression analysis, the bootstrap method, and Pearson correlation analysis. For each 1 °C increase in temperature, the length and width of the pod decreased by 2.1 and 0.62 mm, and of the seed by 0.17 and 0.12 mm in the agroforestry environment; likewise, pod, valve, seed and gum weights were reduced by 23.9, 10.9, 13 and 2.3 g in the agroforestry environment, and 22.3, 13, 9.3 and 2.1 g in the natural environment. Activities such as association with annual crops and perennial pasture possibly favor the length and width of the pod and seed and the weight of the pod, valve, seed and gum in the agroforestry environment when compared to the natural environment. Larger pod and seed dimensions and higher pod, valve, seed and gum weights are related to higher soil CaCO3 contents in the natural environment and higher soil P and B contents in the agroforestry environment at higher altitudes. Higher Fe contents in the soil suggest an improvement in tara’s tannin weight (valve) in the natural and agroforestry environment. The effective response of tara, reflected in its weight and size of pods, was higher in an agroforestry environment than in a natural environment. Further studies on the production of tara pods are necessary for a better understanding of the interaction between altitude and soil fertility to expand the revenue and employment of Peruvian tara farmers.
ResumenEste trabajo tuvo como objetivo evaluar la influencia del compuesto orgánico en la producción de plantas de capirona. El experimento fue realizado en el Centro de Investigaciones Dale E. Bandy del IIAP Ucayali. Los tratamientos fueron distribuidos mediante un Diseño Completos al Azar (DCA), con 5 tratamientos 3 repeticiones y 10 plantas por unidad experimental, los tratamientos fueron: T1 [Tierra aluvial]; T2 [tierra agrícola]; T3 [Tierra aluvial + tierra agrícola (1:1)]; T4 [Tierra aluvial + cascarilla de arroz + gallinaza (1:1:1)] y T5 [Tierra Agrícola+ cascarilla de arroz + gallinaza (1:1:1]. Las variables evaluadas al final del experimento fueron altura de planta (H) (cm); diámetro basal (DB) (mm); número de hojas; relación altura y diámetro basal (H∕DB); masa seca de la parte aérea (MSPA) (g); masa seca de la raíz (MSR) (g) e índice de calidad de Dickson (IQD). Los resultados muestran que los tratamientos T4 y T5 presentaron diferencias significativas superiores en todas las variables evaluadas en relación a los otros tratamientos. En ese sentido se concluye que los sustratos [Tierra aluvial + cascarilla de arroz + gallinaza] y [Tierra Agrícola+ cascarilla de arroz + gallinaza], provenientes de residuos de origen animal y vegetal proporcionaron mayor eficiencia en el crecimiento y mejor calidad de plantas de capirona aptas para campo definitivo.Palabras clave: Amazonía, capirona, sustratos, vivero. AbstractThis work was to evaluate the influence of the organic compound in the production of plants capirona. The experiment was conducted at the Research Center Dale E. Bandy the IIAP Ucayali. Treatments were distributed in a randomized complete (DCA) design with 5 treatments 3 replications and 10 plants per experimental unit, the treatments were: T1 [alluvial soil]; T2 [agricultural soil]; T3 [alluvial soil + agricultural soil (1: 1)]; T4 [alluvial soil + rice hull + chicken manure (1: 1: 1)] and T5 [agricultural soil + rice hull + chicken manure (1: 1: 1]. The variables evaluated at the end of the experiment were plant height (H) (cm), basal diameter (BD) (mm), number of leaves, relative height and basal diameter (H/BD), dry mass of the aerial part (DMAP) (g) dry weight of the root (DWR) (g) and quality index Dickson (QID). The results show that the T4 and T5 treatments, had higher significant differences in all variables evaluated in relation to other treatments. In that sense it is concluded that the substrates [alluvial soil + rice hull chicken manure] and [agricultural soil + rice hull + chicken manure], waste from animal and vegetable sources provided greater efficiency and better quality growth of plants capirona suitable for definitive field.
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