10261detected by ESR (3%), the second part comprises the electron pairs which participate in superconductivity, and the third part comprises electron spins arranged antiferromagnetically.
ColleldoILsDuring about 24 h the ESR signals of Rb3Ca evolve with time. This is suggested to be related to diffusion of the Rb atoms within the Cm crystallites. Near T, the ESR susceptibility is found to change from antiferromagnetic to paramagnetic behavior. The magnitude of the ESR susceptibility is described by a two-component model of localized and conduction electrons. The ESR signals of K3Ca and Cs3Ca also show a similar timedependent behavior.
Acknowledgment.Raseinsky, M. J.; Murphy, D. W.; Duclos, S. J.; Lyons, K. B.; Miller, B.; Rosamillia, J. M.; Fleming, R. M.; Kortan, A. R.; Glarum, S. H.; Makhija, A. V.; Muller, A. J.; Eick, R. H.; Zahurak, S. M.; Tycko, R.; Dabbagh, G.; Thiel, F. A. Nature 1991,350,320. (3) Zhakhidov, A. A,; Ugawa, A.; Imaeda, K.; Yakushi, K.; Inokuchi, H.; Kikuchi, K.; Ikemoto, I.; Suzuki, S.; Achiba, Y. Solid State Commun. 1991,