R&DcentA; KOYO SEMO CO, L m . No24-1, Kokubu, Higanjwh, Ibbimi, Osaka 5824023, J q m Ala~lwd -As the demand for elechic power has been incrrssiOg -, the introdwction of a Qwhd energy -age system 0 using a supemnducting magnetic bearing ( S m is needed to level daily bad as much as passible (daily load-leveling). We have studied rotation loss c m of SMB6 with high 'k supenmductors (YBCO) & permaneat magnets (PM) for supporting a nywheel in FESS We have designedandmanufhctuda~machineformeasuringmtalion laps characte-of SMBa The rotor is suspendd by two sets of ladial active magnetic bearings (1RaAMBs), a set of axial adive magnetic bear@ (AxAMB) and a set of SMR Then, we obtained dation loss cbal.rtcteristirs of the mtor levitated by RaAMEk, AxAMB and SMB on tbi3tegtingmachheIn order to allow the realization of a FESS, we recently performed some f m h n d a l studiesto clarify technical issues of a FESS. For example, a ptotype of 0.5kWh class FESS [l] was built. In such FESS, a sqemndudng magnetic bearing (SMB)7 its roGrtian loss ideally zero, being composed of high-Tc zupem-and permanent magnets, is used-So, it is necessary to clarify characteristics of SMB (spring constan& damping ca&icient, rotation loss).By the way, two kinds of structuresof SMB (AXSMB 8L R a S m ; sqem-Iwh a wostww and permanent magnetso.)SMB is mmposed of following three elements, YBCO weie suggested and it was reportedthat a spring umstantof AXSMB & RaSMB is practical but adamping d c i e n t is not sullicient [2]. In order to assist the damping fimdion of SMB, it is necesssnyto add adamping fkction of other devices (ex. M). On the other hand, there are some lhatum [3][4][5l that reported about the rotaton loss of SMB. ?hese literadures have reported w l y low loss of SMB, but under a special experimental condition. Inthis paper, we repoa rotadion loss c-. 'cs of RasMB (as well SMB) measured uder various load conditions. There are one SMB stator with sc and two SMB mtors with difxmt PMS having different magnib& of irregularity of magnetic density in M & d i r e c t i o n . We designed and man-a testing machine for a of rotaton loss c -'cs of SMBs. A cross section view of the apparatus is s h o w in Fig.1. ?his apparatus, composed of following parts, is in a vacuum chamk. A)a main shaft with PM attached at lower part, B)an inducton motor mounted at middle paa of a main shaft, c>two sets of radial active magnetic -s) mounted above and UIhder an induction motor, D)a set of axial active magnetic bearin&AxAIVlB) mounted at the upper part of the main shaft, E)SC(YBCO) & C/S(SUS304) mounted at lower part of main shaft. The SC and US are able to be moved in axial direction by a z-stage with aload-cell unit driven by a stepping motor: B. Pdornumce ofSMB SC contained in US was assembled firm eight pieces of bulk yBco(see in Fig.2). On the other hand, PM has thm layers magnetized in m w directon( ?, . 1 ;see in Fig.3). 'Ihe gap between SCandPMinradialdirectionis 1.4mmincludingaseal-plateofC/S. We tested the SMBs using two kinds of PM (Pr type:WMPr and...