The DNA double helix composed of complementary strands is of fundamental importance for the exquisite functions of DNA, such as the replication and storage of genetic information. Since the discovery of the DNA double helix, [1] the design and synthesis of artificial double helices have attracted significant attention but remain a great challenge in polymer and supramolecular chemistry.[2] In particular, double helices of complementary strands are quite rare. [3] The complex formed from complementary strands of isotactic and syndiotactic poly(methyl methacrylate)s (it-and st-PMMAs) with an it/st stoichiometry of 1:2 is commonly described as a stereocomplex and represents a class of unique, polymer-based supramolecules with an apparent melting point in specific solvents.[4] Although the stereocomplex has been known for half a century, the molecular basis of the structure and the mechanism of complex formation are still under debate, in spite of its availability as advanced materials, such as ultrathin films, [5] thermoplastic elastomers, [6] and dialyzers. [7] It is also a versatile structural motif for stereospecific template polymerization [8] in connection with abiotic replication.In 1989, Schomaker and Challa proposed a reliable model for the PMMA stereocomplex on the basis of X-ray analysis of the stretched fiber, that was the double-stranded helix composed of a 9 1 it-PMMA helix (nine repeating MMA units per turn) surrounded by a 18 1 st-PMMA helix with a helical pitch of 1.84 nm (Figure 1 a). [9] Since then, the doublestranded-helix model has been commonly accepted, because the model could explain rationally 1) the stoichiometry of an asymmetric unit (it/st = 1:2), [4] 2) the template-polymerization phenomena, [8] and 3) the fact that stereocomplexation also took place between it-PMMA and st-poly(methacrylic acid), and even when the methyl ester groups of st-PMMA were replaced by other alkyl groups, whereas the methyl esters of it-PMMA were essential for the stereocomplexation. [4,10] However, because of the limited number of diffuse X-ray diffractions, the complicated structure of the PMMA stereocomplex was difficult to determine by X-ray diffraction, and the proposed double-helix model may require further reconsideration.Although the structural elucidation of helical polymers at a molecular level by X-ray diffraction is a laborious task even now, recent significant developments in microscopic instruments coupled with precise polymerization techniques have made it possible to observe directly the helical structures of certain helical polymers. In fact, we succeeded recently in observing the helical structures of helical poly(phenylacetylene)s and polyisocyanides by high-resolution atomic force microscopy (AFM).[11] These polymers self-assembled into two-dimensional (2D) helix bundles on substrates upon exposure to organic-solvent vapors. This 2D structure enabled the determination of the molecular packing, helical pitch, and handedness (right-or left-handed helix) by AFM. We also visualized successfully b...