Among various parameters influencing students’ scholastic achievements, satisfaction of school life is assumed to be a very important parameter. This means that improvement of environments for elevating scholastic achievements shall be performed in consideration of students' satisfaction of school life above all and that elevation of scholastic achievements shall be realized only when satisfaction of school life is improved. In other words, it indicates that elevation of scholastic achievements cannot be expected without satisfaction of school life.
A question is raised, however, whether satisfaction of school life functions as a parameter always at any time and in any situation. place. It is considered that, even though satisfaction of school life is not achieved in a certain situation, scholastic achievements also can be influenced by other parameters such as strength of necessity, students’ psychological, physical conditions, etc. Accordingly, the purposes of this study are (i) to positively investigate whether satisfaction of school life of various students in different situations and different environments functions as a parameter of scholastic achievements, and (ii) to find what causes and processes such students' environments provide for students to influence their scholastic achievements.
This study investigated and analyzed how physical environments, process environments, visions of job, burn-out experience, etc. among various learning environments probably influencing learning of the students majoring in Hotel Management Science influence their satisfaction of school life, scholastic achievements. etc. In particular, it is one of the main purposes of this study to assume whether satisfaction of school life functions as a parameter.
The results obtained through this study are summarized as follow:Firstly, physical environments, process environments, visions of job, etc. were all in positive (+) relation to satisfaction of school life. Burn-out experience of students, however, did not show a significant relation to satisfaction of school life. Secondly, satisfaction of school life showed a positive (+) relation to scholastic achievements. Thirdly, physical environments, process environments, visions of job, etc., except burn-out experience, also showed directly positive (+) relations to scholastic achievements. This indicates that satisfaction of school life does not function as a parameter. In other words, it is found that physical environments, process environments, visions of job, etc. are in positive (+) relations to scholastic achievements not only through satisfaction of school life, but also in a direct manner. Accordingly, it is assumed that satisfaction of school life is not an important parameter of scholastic achievements. It indicates that it is not required to primarily consider satisfaction of school life for the purpose of elevating scholastic achievements of the students majoring in Hotel Management Science and improving their learning environments. In other words, in case of the students majoring in Hotel Management Science, it is judged that satisfaction of school life is definitely an important independent parameter of scholastic achievements, but is not considered the only most primary factor for elevating scholastic achievements. Accordingly, these findings of this study indicate the necessity of doing best efforts to primarily consider above-mentioned parameters in schools.