In this research, we tried to suggest moderate FA(Flip Angle) for CE(Contrast Enhnaced)-Head&Neck MR Angiography with Gadoteridol. For this study, we did test MR phantom and clinical study according to FA change. After that, quantitative analysis was progressed. The results of MR phantom study were as follow: RSP(Reaction Starting Point)was recorded within 300∼400 mmol. MPSI(Max Peak Signal Intensity) was 2, 086, 3,705, 5,109, 6,194, 7.096, 7,192 [a.u]. MPP(Max Peak Point) was shown at 30, 50, 50, 40, 50, 40 mmol. IRMPSI(Increase Rate of MPSI) was 77.6%, 37.9%, 21.2%, 14.6%, 1.4% as increasing of FA. The results of clinical study were as follow SICB(Signal Intensity of Carotid artery Bifurcation) was recorded respectively 392. 5, 4165.2, 4270, 3502.2, 3263.7, 3119.6 [a.u]. ORA(Occurence Rate of Artifact) was increased as 0, 0, 20, 40, 50, 70%. According to this research, we are not only able to assure that increase of FA can be effect on H1 spin's SI(Signal Intensity) which was combined with gadolinium agent, but also be effect on artifact rate in blood vessel. In clinical field, we expect that CE-Head&Neck MR Angiography can be performed in a practical way with this research.