Organ decellularization is one of the promising technologies of regenerative medicine, which allows obtaining cell-free extracellular matrix (ECM), which provide preservation of the composition, architecture, vascular network and biological activity of the ECM. The method of decellularization opens up wide prospects for its practical application not only in the field of creating full-scale bioengineered structures, but also in the manufacture of vessels, microcarriers, hydrogels, and coatings. The main goal of our work was the investigation of structure and biological properties of lyophilized decellularized Wistar rat liver fragments (LDLFs), as well as we assessed the regenerative potential of the obtained ECM. We obtained decellularized liver of a Wistar rat, the vascular network and the main components of the ECM of tissue were preserved. H&E staining of histological sections confirmed the removal of cells. DNA content of ECM is equal to 0.7% of native tissue DNA content. Utilizing scanning probe nanotomogrphy method, we showed sinuous, rough topography and highly nanoporous structure of ECM, which provide high level of mouse 3T3 fibroblast and Hep-G2 cells biocompatibility. Obtained LDLF had a high regenerative potential, which we studied in an experimental model of a full-thickness rat skin wound healing: we observed the acceleration of wound healing by 2.2 times in comparison with the control.
Primary biliary cholangitis (PBC), formerly known as primary biliary cirrhosis, is an organ-specific autoimmune disease predominantly affecting middle-aged women. It does not occur in children. PBC prevalence varies depending on the geographic location of the country. Over the past 30 years, there has been an increased incidence of PBC, while significant progress has been made in understanding the pathogenesis of PBC due to the development of innovative technologies in molecular biology, immunology and genetics. The presence of antimitochondrial antibodies and cholestasis on biochemical analysis is sufficient to make a diagnosis, without the need for liver biopsy. Small- and medium-sized bile ducts are the targets of PBC. In the first stage of the disease, granulomatous destruction of the bile ducts occurs; in the second stage, loss of bile ducts, their proliferation, increased size of the portal tracts with chronic inflammation; in the third stage - fibrosis with septal formation, loss of bile ducts and cholestasis; in the fourth stage - liver cirrhosis. Previously, the survival rate of PBC patients ranged from 7.5 to 16 years. However, it has improved significantly with ursodeoxycholic acid and obeticholic acid treatment. If there is no effect from treatment and end-stage liver failure sets in, liver transplantation is performed.
ФГБУ «ФНЦ трансплантологии и искусственных органов имени академика В.И. Шумакова» Минздрава России, г. Москва 2 Кафедра трансплантологии и искусственных органов I МГМУ имени И.М. Сеченова, г. Москва Несмотря на то что изучение эндокардиальных инфильтратов (Quilty effect) в трансплантирован ном сердце продолжается уже более 30 лет, этиология, морфология и клиническое значение этого феномена остаются до конца не выясненными. В статье приведены данные доступной литературы о возможных причинах и механизмах развития эффекта Quilty, а также о его влиянии на функцию трансплантированного сердца.