n --normal vector to the surface of a specimen, nl m normal vector to the incidence plane (nk), 0 ~ incidence angle of the acoustic wave to the specimen, rad, ~ refraction angle of the acoustic wave at the interface of immersion medium and composite, rad, a --angle between the normal n I to the incidence plane (nk) and the direction of fibers in composite xl, tad, f ~ frequency of the acoustic wave, Hz, ~r_ phase velocity of the acoustic wave in the tested specimen, m/s, V 0 --phase velocity of the longitudinal acoustic wave in the immersion medium, m/s, QL, QT, L, and T m quasi-longitudinal, quasi-shear, longitudinal, and shear waves, respectively, m phase dJ~erence between the frequency harmonics f of reference and tested signals, rad, p m density of a 1D GE composite, kg/m 3, ci] ~, c~ ~ full and abbreviated notation of the stiffness matrix, Pa, and l~u --Christof~el's tensor.