ÖZET Çocuk ve ergen psikiyatrisi poliklinigine baçvuran hastalarda tani dagilinni Amaç: Bu araçtirmada çocuk ve ergen psikiyatrisi poliklinigine baçvuran hastalann tani dagilimiarinin saptanmasi amaçlanmiçtir, Yöntem: GATA Çocuk Ruh Sagligi ve Hastaliklari Anabilim Dali Poliklinigine Ocak 2OO9.Haziran 2009 tarihleri arasinda bajvuran 538 hastamn dosyalari geriye dönCik olarak incelenmiçtir, Bulgular: Olgularin daha çok erkek oldugu ve 7-18 yaj grubu çocuk ve ergenlerden oluçtugu saptanmiçtir. Baçvuran olgularin dórtte ücüne, bir ya da birden çok tani kondugu, ^6 yac arasi olgularda ise tani konma oraninin %50 oldugu górülmüctür. Olgularin %I3,7sinde eçtani saptanmiç, eçtani saptanma oraninin en sik dikkat eksikligi hiperaktivite bozuklugu (DEHB) grubunda oldugu belirlenmiçtir Tüm olgular góz ónüne alindiginda, en sik saptanan tanilarin, sirasiyla DEHB, yaygin anksiyete bozuklugu, zeka geriligi, depresyon ve enûrezis oldugu, tüm yaç gruplarinda en sik DEHB tanisi kondugu, erkek çocukiarda en sik DEHB, zeka geriligi, yaygin anksiyete bozuklugu, enûrezis ve depresyon; kiziarda ise DEHB, yaygin anksiyete bozuklugu, depresyon, zeka geriligi ve enûrezis saptanmiçtir, Sonuç: Sik saptanan tanilann bilinmesi, cinsiyetler arasi tani farkiiliklarinin ve yaç gruplanna gôre olasi tanilann belirlenmesi, çocuk ve ergen psikiyatrisi poliklinik hizmetierinin iyileçtirilmesine katkida bulunacaktir Anahtar kelimeler Çocuk, ergen, tanilar ABSTRACT Diagnoses of patients referring to a child and adolescent psychiatry outpatient clinic Objective: The aim of the present study is to identify the diagnoses of patients who referred to a child and adolescent psychiatry outpatient clinic. Method: Medical records of 536 patients referred to the Children and Adolescent Psychiatry outpatient clinic at Gulhane Results: It was found that the patients were mostiy male and within 7 to 18 years of age. It was also determined that three quarters of patients had at least one diagnosis and the diagnosis rate in children between the ages of O6 was 50 percent Comorbid diagnoses were found in 13,7 percent of all cases and they were mainly in the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) group. The most common diagnoses were ADHD, generalized anxiety disorder, mental retardation, depression and enuresis, respectively ."The most common diagnosis in all age subgroups was ADHD. While the most common diagnoses in boys are ADHD, mental retardation, generalized anxiety disorder, enuresis and depression respectively, they were ADHD, generalized anxiety disorder, depression, mental retardation and enuresis in girls. Conclusion: To know the most common diagnoses, diagnosis differences within genders and possible diagnoses for certain age groups will be useful for improving child and adolescent psychiatry services.