Similar expansion involving o, and ApK, leads to a mixed type interaction constant h,,, equation lc 26 Obviously the following definitions hold.These parameters are variously referred to as q, C, or p by several worker^,^ and are known to reflect the intensity of interaction between the two reacting fragments comprising the TS (Scheme 1). The magnitude of the Hammett type constants I pl, I represents the intensity of indirect interaction between two substituents, i(ol) andj(o,) through the respective reaction centres, R, and R,, when the two fragments are involved in forming or breaking of a bond, r,,, between the two reaction centres in the TS. Thus the I plJl should be related inversely to the distance between the two substituents 0, and o,, since it represents the intensity of interaction between them through reaction centres; in fact it has been shown that the distance r,, is related to I pV I by equation 5, where a and p are positive constants, assuming the rigidity of the fragment's skeleton in the react~on.~ According to equation 2a, the magnitude of pi, is subject to fall-off by a factor of 2.4 -2.8 when a nonconjugating group, like CH2 (or CO), intervenes in one of the fragments (i) between the substituent, o,, and the reaction centre, R,, since ' (a) S I Miller,