Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) in pregnant women is rare experience, but it can complicate the gestation by increasing the risk of miscarriage and premature birth. However, the adequate carrying of the pregnancy is possible for women who suffered from leukemia in childhood and achieved the remission during the treatment. Furthermore, there are some facts about the possibility of immunosuppression in children whose parents suffer from various immunodeficiency disorders, including ALL. This clinical case demonstrates the importance of correct diagnostics in order to reveal the congenital pathologies of the immune system in children, whose parents suffered from lymphocytic leukemia, even in case of full clinical and laboratory remission for a significant period of time. In the hospital, the thread metric approach was used for sepsis diagnostics. Conducted treatment was ineffective due to the inadequate immune response in the child and lack of the targeted adjusted measures to immunodeficiency disorder. The present case demonstrates the congenital T-cells immunodeficiency in a child who was complicated by the development of acute ulceronecrotic enterocolitis after vaccination. The treatment that was targeted mainly at the agent eradication did not give the desired results due to non-responsiveness of the immune system of the child.
Стаття присвячена дослідженню діагностичного маркера перинатального гіпоксичного ураження центральної нервової системи у недоношених новонароджених. Обстежено 64 недоношених новонароджених з ознаками перинатального ураження центральної нервової системи та 15 умовно здорових недоношених новонароджених. Активність нейроспецифічної енолази (НСЕ) визначали імуноферментним методом. Встановлено, що перинатальна гіпоксія викликає значну альтерацію нейрональних мембран та вихід у кров нейроспецифічного білка НСЕ, концентрація якого корелює із ступенем тяжкості ураження ЦНС.