Abstract. E. Hille [Hi1] gave an example of an operator in L 1 [0, 1] satisfying the mean ergodic theorem (MET) and such that sup n T n = ∞ (actually, T n ∼ n 1/4 ). This was the first example of a non-power bounded mean ergodic L 1 operator. In this note, the possible rates of growth (in n) of the norms of T n for such operators are studied. We show that, for every γ > 0, there are positive L 1 operators T satisfying the MET with lim n→∞ T n /n 1−γ = ∞. In the class of positive operators these examples are the best possible in the sense that for every such operator T there exists a γ 0 > 0 such that lim sup n→∞ T n /n 1−γ 0 = 0.A class of numerical sequences {α n }, intimately related to the problem of the growth of norms, is introduced, and it is shown that for every sequence {α n } in this class one can get T n ≥ α n (n = 1, 2, . . .) for some T . Our examples can be realized in a class of positive L 1 operators associated with piecewise linear mappings of [0, 1]. 0. Introduction. The mean ergodic theorem (MET) was originally proved by von Neumann for unitary operators in Hilbert spaces. This theorem triggered a huge number of results, including those extending it to various classes of spaces and operators (see, e.g., [Kr]). We say that a bounded linear operator T in a Banach space X satisfies the MET (or is mean ergodic) if lim n→∞ n −1 n k=1 T k f exists for all f ∈ X. An obvious necessary condition for T to satisfy the MET comes from the classical Banach-Steinhaus theorem; namely, one must have sup n≥1 A n < ∞, where A n = A n (T ) = n −1 n k=1 T k . Such operators T are called Cesàro bounded . A stronger condition, sup n≥1 T n < ∞, which is called power boundedness of T , turns out not to be necessary for the mean ergodicity of T . The first, and nontrivial, example in this direction was given in an old paper of E. Hille [Hi1]. He proved that the operator T defined on0 f (y) dy is mean ergodic, but the norms of the T n grow as n 1/4 . This rate of growth (n 1/4 ) is, of course, related to the concrete analytical nature of Hille's example (more precisely, it is connected with the asymptotics of the Laguerre polynomials, which appear in the kernels of the