1IntroductionFuel cells can generate energy from variousf uels and they are recently significant method in terms of electricity production. Especially,d irect-methanol fuel cells (DMFCs) are proton-exchange fuel cell in whichm ethanol is used as the fuel. Thei mportant advantage of these fuel cells is the simplicity of transport of methanol [1]. Methanol as fuel has several advantages such as transport and storage [2].D MFCs have been used for the production of energy for the severaly ears [3].As ulfuric acid or perchloric acid as supporting electrolyte is used in the DMFCsowing to removing of the CO 2 during the electrochemical progress.T he reaction of methanol oxidation in an acidic mediumc an be presented as below [1b,4]:(The all electrochemical reaction):Especially,v arious nanomaterials and nanoparticles are used for the development of energy,s ensora nd catalytic effect [5].I na ddition, significantp rogress has been performed in the production of carbon-supported catalysts for fuel cells with suitable cost [6].N evertheless,t here are some important problems such as low catalytic performance for methanola nd ethanol oxidation. Hence,i n order to increase this performance,t he novel nanomaterials such as graphene/graphene oxide( GO)a nd carbon nanotubes becomev ery significant [1a, 7].I na ddition, some nanoparticles sucha sm ono/bimetallic have important attention in nano/sensor technology [8].T he two different nanoparticles cause an increase in specific performances such as electronic and catalytic effects and create synergetic effects [5c].A lso,because the nano-sized particles have largers pecifics urface area, they are good catalysts.T he bimetallic nanoparticles can increase the rate of electrochemicalr eaction [9].In the presentr eport, the preparation and characterization of nanocomposites such as GO,r AuNPs/AETGO, rAgNPs/AETGO, rAu-PtN Ps/AETGO and rAg-Pt NPs/ AETGO were firstly performed( Scheme 1). After that, glassy carbon electrode (GCE) surfaces were modified with these nanomaterials by using infrared heat lamp. Thed eveloped surfaces were characterizedb yt ransmission electron microscope (TEM), x-rayp hoto electron spectroscopy (XPS), scanning electron microscope (SEM), electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), x-ray diffraction (XRD) method,c yclic voltammetry (CV) and chronoamperometry (CA) measurements.Abstract:T he catalystsb ased on 2-aminoethanethiol functionalized grapheneo xide (AETGO) with several mono-metallic and bi-metallic nanoparticles such as rod gold (rAuNPs), rod silver (rAgNPs), rod gold-platinum (rAu-PtN Ps) and rod silver-platinum (rAg-Pt NPs) were synthesized. Thes uccessful synthesis of nanomaterials was confirmed by various methods.T he effective surface area (ESA) of the rAu-Pt NPs/AETGO is 1.44, 1.64 and 2.40t imes highert han those of rAg-Pt NPs/AETGO, rAuNPs/AETGO and rAgNPs/AETGO,r espectively, under the samea mount of Pt. Ther Au-Pt NPs/AETGO exhibitedahigher peak currentf or methanol oxidation than thoseo fc omparable rAg-Pt NPs/AETGO under the sameamount o...