Objectives-To develop a method of measuring hand bone mineral content (BMC) by dual energy x ray absorptiometry (DXA); to apply this method of measuring hand BMC to normal volunteers to ascertain causes of variability; and to measure hand BMC in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) of varying duration and severity. Methods-The x ray beam of the Hologic QDR 1000 dual energy x ray absorptiometer was hardened by introducing a perspex-aluminium plate and the analysis software altered to allow for the small tissue bulk of the hand compared with the torso. Ninety five volunteers (46 men age 24-81 and 49 women age 20-83) had scans of both hands. Eight volunteers were assessed repeatedly to establish reproducibility and effect ofhand position. Fifty six patients (22 men, 34 women, age range 25-86 years) with RA of differing duration and severity, had hand BMC measurement by DXA. Results-The precision of BMC measurement was 23-/3% with no additional variation due to hand position. Hand dominance had no significant effect on BMC. In men, hand BMC correlated with height (r = 0 57, p < 0.0001), weight (r = 0-58, p < 0.0001), forearm span (r = 0-5, p = 0.0006) and hand volume (r = 0-66, p < 0.0001). In women hand BMC correlated with height (r = 0-66, p < 0O0001), weight (r = 0 4, p = 0.003), forearm span (r = 0-3, p = 0-03) and hand volume (r = 0 49, p = 0.0008). After correcting for all these variables, male volunteers had significantly higher hand BMC than female volunteers (p = 0.01) and patients with RA had lower hand BMC than normal volunteers (total hand BMC in male volunteers 90 9 gms, 950/o CI 86-9-95, in male patients 81-7 gms, 95% CI 73-7-89*6, p < 0 004, total hand BMC in female volunteers 62-2 gms 95% CI 59-8-64*5, female patients 52-3 gms, 95% CI 48-1-56-5, p < 0.005). In patients with RA, the hand BMC showed an inverse correlation with age (r = -0*44, p = 0.01),