Randomised study of effect of ibopamine on survival in patients with advanced severe heart failure Hampton, J.R.; Veldhuisen, D.J.; Kleber, F.X.; Cowley, A.J.; Ardia, A.; Block, P.; Cortina, A.; Cserhalmi, L.; Follath, F.; Jensen, G.; Kayanakis, J.; Lie, K.I.; Mancia, G.; Skene, A.M.
Published in: Lancet
Link to publicationCitation for published version (APA): Hampton, J. R., Veldhuisen, D. J., Kleber, F. X., Cowley, A. J., Ardia, A., Block, P., ... Skene, A. M. (1997). Randomised study of effect of ibopamine on survival in patients with advanced severe heart failure. Lancet, 349, 971-977. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(96)10488-8
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Download date: 22 Mar 2019Randomised study of effect of ibopamine on survival in patients with advanced severe heart failure J R Hampton, D J van Veldhuisen, F X Kleber, A J Cowley, A Ardia, P Block, A Cortina, L Cserhalmi, F Follath, G Jensen, J Kayanakis, K I Lie, G Mancia, A M Skene, for the Second Prospective Randomised Study of Ibopamine on Mortality and Efficacy (PRIME II) Investigators THE LANCET
SummaryBackground Drugs that improve symptoms in patients with heart failure must also be assessed for their effects on survival. Ibopamine stimulates DA-1 and DA-2 receptors and causes peripheral and renal vasodilatation; the drug improves symptoms of heart failure. W e assessed the effect of ibopamine on survival in patients with advanced heart failure in a mult ic ent re, randomised plac ebocontrolled study.