ThTs report was prepareo] as an acenunt of Cv.trninfosnIposaored work. Witfer the United States, nor the U.S.Atrirc Energy Cerm. •misslon, noe any person acting on behol.' of !he ComiIssloni A. Mzkes any warrfnty or .drjo.nteti expressed or Inpiled, with fespwct to t'. ,ccar.Py. 4 oi3Cpety~efC1 or usefu.unis of the imforrntlon ',-tned in this ro. wirt, or that !ie use of any lnformarn,4n, appcr.,tus, m,!hod, or procoss disclosed in :,is rcport muy not Infr;njo privately owned rights; ct 0. Assue•os any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damoges resulting from the use D! any Information, otperultis, mothod, or process d;sclsed In this report. As used ;,n the above, "person acttng on bc':Plf af th 0 Commnissio.-" inc!s!v!s any Pmployee or contractor of the Con.rssion, or erno!oyee of such con~ractor, to the extent ihalt such em"'::ye.3 nr contractor of the Cot -ss, or employes of such contractor preparos, dissom. In.i;es, or providc. acco.,.. to, any inlormotlin p.n:uant to his e.-m plaoynt or ctract with the Cormmission, or ";s employment with such contractor.