In this paper, using a nonlinear mathematical model developed for high-speed turbocharged diesels, a spectrum of problems in nonlinear analysis, control, and optimization are approached and solved for a new generation of medium-and heavy-duty vehicles. It is shown that the model simplification leads to serious problems in design, optimization, and deployment of advanced turbocharged diesels. The overall vehicle performance can be significantly improved by incorporating reliable diesel mathematical models in energy-management system design by optimizing steady-state characteristics and diesel dynamics. A drive-by-wire heavy-duty diesel is considered in this paper, and a nonlinear mathematical model is developed. A family of nonlinear PID-type controllers is designed to ensure the required controllability and maneuverability, driveability, tracking and disturbance attenuation. Experimental results are documented. 2 maximize torque production and optimize combustion process, ensure cost-effective design and rapid prototyping through virtual prototyping, design, analyze, implement, verify, and deploy optimal control algorithms, minimize weight-to-power and volume-totorque ratios (maximize power and torque densities and downsize diesels), optimize efficiency, improve steadystate and dynamic characteristics, guarantee lower cost and maintenance, obtain higher ruggedness, reliability, and durability, attain lower heat, noise, and exhaust signatures, etc.This paper approaches and solves the model development and controller design problems for highspeed turbocharged diesels. To attain the specified controllability, maneuverability and driveability, the tracking controller is designed. This control algorithm is found by using a family of nonlinear PID-type controller. The implementation of new actuator technology is studied with application to design of advanced diesel fuel systems. In particular, the linear positioning servo-system is designed and deployed. 0-7803-4990-6/99 $10.00 0 1999 AACC