T HE establishment of interrelationships among plant characters, both within and between generations, is of interest in a timothy improvement program. Characteristics considered in this paper include vigor, plant height, and seed-set following self-and open-pollination in S 0 , S 1> and S 2 populations. Although this species has been subjected to many investigations, data dealing with correlated studies between inbred and open-pollinated populations are relatively scarce.The literature relating to timothy has been reviewed recently (3); hence only that regarded as particularly pertinent is referred to in this paper. Nilsson (4) found an average of 27.3 seeds per panicle following self-pollination of 131 plants of several strains. The average is based on 0 to 521 seeds obtained per panicle self ed. Variations in self-fertility were attributed to the genetic nature of different individuals. Cross-pollination produced from 67 to 552, with a mean of 261, seeds per inflorescence. A positive correlation of 0.72 was obtained between seed-set in selfed and open-pollinated inflorescences of previously non-inbred plants. Associations between self-and crossfertility among different families tended to be statistically nonsignificant. However, this relationship was highly significant (rr:0.4l;P>99:l) when the computation was based upon the entire population. Nilsson regarded variations in self-and cross-fertility as independent. Significant positive inter-annual correlations were recorded in height of families (1). Intra-annually, height and general fertility, and height and self-fertility, were closely correlated.Hayes and Barker (2) found that seed-set following self-pollination varied from 1 to 331 seeds per panicle of greenhouse-grown plants. Seed-set in an isolated field varied from 0 to 495 seeds per inflorescence. The variations were considered genotypic.Nielsen and Smith (3) found no correlation between vigor of S 0 and S^ seedlings whereas the vigor of the S 0 and Sj adult plants was highly correlated. The mean heights of S 0 and S ± progenies in their first heading year were closely associated.The plants included in the investigations were derived from polycross progenies of 81 plants. The sources included: 28 Lorain, 12 Hopkins, 4 Drummond, 3 Marietta, 2 each of Climax, Milton, Bottnia, and Omnia, and 26 plants from sources such as foreign plant introductions and local collections.Polycross progenies were established during May 1954. Data relating to plant height, vigor, and seed-set following self-pollination and open-pollination were obtained during 1955, 1957, and 1959 for the successive generations.The height of plants was measured in inches and vigor was based upon arbitrary classification with 1 representing superior and 5 representing inferior performance or desirability. Approximately 450 plants were self-pollinated. The plants selfed were selected on the basis of superior height, vigor, and freedom from foliage diseases. Thus, the population examined did not necessarily represent a random population of t...