53left blank, Hostility has 12 adjectives scored when left blank, and Depression has 20 adjectives scored when left blank.
SUMMARYA 132 item adjective check list (MAACGToday) was administered to 33 college 8 s on three occasions, two low anxious and one high anxious, in an effort to determine the effects of the implicit response set to check few or many adjectives on affect scores. Results of the statistical analyses of affect scale part scores, and two scores indicative of the response set, support the conclusion that the major component of each MAACGToday scale score is a function of the response set; the relative contribution of the response set to the scored-when-checked and scored-when-blank components of each MAACL scale score changed in the high anxious condition. It was concluded that the MAACLToday should be used with caution. REFERENCE8 1. HERRON, E. W., BERNSTEIN, L. and ROBEN, H. Psychometric analpie of the Multiple Mect Adjective Check List: MAACL-Toda . A w . P w 1967, M, 591 (&tract). 2. JACKSON, D. N. and MINTON, H. E. A forced-choice djective preference scale for personality sseesement. P 3. PARKER, G T C . and M E O A R O~, E. I. Factor analytic studies of the Adjective Check List. P d i n g a , 76th Annual Conucnth, APA, 1967,211-212. 4. SCARR, SANDRA. The Adjective Check List as a reondity Besesament technique with children: validity of the scales. J . coIuuI(. Pqchol., 1966, SO& 122-128 5. ZUCKERMAN, M. The develo ment of an affect adjectim. check list for the measurement of anxiety. J . COMUU. P@l., 1968 d4,457-462 6. ZUCKERMAN, M. LUBIN, B., J/oolu, L. and VALERIUS, ELIzmm. Measurement of experimentally induced 8Aecta. J . d . P-., 1964, $8, 418425. 7. ZUCKERMAN, M., PERSKY, H., ECKMAN, KATFZEIUNZ and HOPPNB, T. R. A multi-trait multimethod approach to the traita (or states) of anxiety, depmion and hoetility.