by showing that self-produced steering action such conduct requires a new type of theoretimay be perturbed as much or more by feed-cal psychology based on dynamic feedback back delay than target tracking.concepts of motor-sensory interaction. This The experiment brings into the open a type of theory and experimental designs defundamental weakness of past stimulus-re-rived from it could be applied with much sponse theory of behavior in dealing with profit to research and practice in the field of problems of motor skill and self-produced automobile and industrial safety, activity in performance, perception, and learning. Self-generated activities, as in tool-using, REFERENCES tracing, drawing, writing, social behavior, DUNCAN, D. B. Multiple Range and Multiple F tests, athletics, and speech, are largely of the nature Biometrics, 1955, 11, 1-42. of steering behavior as delineated in the "^^^^V^^tTp resent Study, and do not follow principles behavior. Journal of Applied Psychology, 1970, 54, of direct stimulus-response control, as sped-in press, fied in physiological reflex doctrine and SMITH, K. U., Ptm, V., & MOUTOR, K Yoked vistimulus-response concepts of conditioned and si °n-" . An f*P ei ™ enta l. systems approach to visual . , . , _ , , , rehabilitation. Unpublished manuscript, University reinforcement learning. To comprehend the of Wisconsin Behavioral Cybernetic Laboratory, meaning of self-produced behavior and ta 1966. design experiments to define the principles of (