Inovasi teknologi di industri batik mengalami perkembangan dan diharapkan mampu mendorong akselerasi industrialisasi. Proses pewarnaan merupakan proses penting dalam menghasilkan batik dengan nilai estetika dan nilai ekonomis yang tinggi. Teknik pewarnaan yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik pewarnaan colet menggunakan zat warna Indigosol. Zat warna Indigosol merupakan salah satu zat warna sintetis yang menghasilkan warna pastel dan memerlukan penyinaran sinar matahari terik sebagai tahapan pra-oksidasi. Permasalahan muncul manakala cuaca mendung atau hujan. Proses pewarnaan menjadi tidak optimal atau bahkan tidak dapat dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan memberikan solusi bagi permasalahan diskontinuitas produksi kain batik coletan dengan warna Indigosol. Rancang bangun meja colet menggunakan pendekatan Pahl dan Beitz. Berdasarkan pendekatan sistematis, dihasilkan rancangan meja colet dengan menggunakan teknologi ultraviolet sebagai pengganti sinar matahari yang digerakkan otomatis dengan mikrokontroler. Meja colet ini telah di-uji-cobakan secara fungsional dan memberikan hasil pewarnaan yang cerah disesuaikan dengan lamanya penyinaran. Abstract[The Design of Colet or Staining Process Workbench with Ultraviolet for Pre-Oxidation of Indigosol Dyes Using Pahl and Beitz Systematic Approach] Technological innovation in the batik industry is experiencing developments that can encourage the acceleration of industrialization. The coloring process is an important process in producing batik with high aesthetic and economic value. The coloring process studied in this paper is the Colet staining technique using Indigosol dyes. Indigosol dye is a synthetic dye that produces soft colors and requires bright sunlight as a pre-oxidation stage. Problems arise when the weather is cloudy or rainy. The coloring process becomes not optimal or even impossible to produce. This study aims to provide a solution to the problem of discontinuity in the production of Coletan batik cloth with Indigosol dyes. The design of Colet Workbench using the Pahl and Beitz approach. Based on a systematic approach, a Colet Workbench design was produced using ultraviolet technology as a substitute for the sunlight which is driven automatically by a microcontroller. The Colet workbench has been tested functionally and provides bright staining results according to the length of irradiation.Keywords: engineering design; pencoletan; indigosol; Pahl and Beitz
The design of an ergonomic working system in the company of either manufacturing or service requires ergonomic methods in its application to help people adjust the work system with psychological and physiological factors, the goal is to avoid illness or accidents due to work and can increase comfort and work productivity. SME Know Sendang is one of the small-scale manufacturing companies engaged in the production of tofu products that experienced problems in the production process associated with high rates of work-related pain, especially spinal complaints experienced by employees on the production floor. The study started by measuring the level of potential work-related illness using the Neat Entire Body Assesment (REBA) method and the result of 3 high-risk action actions of 94% of potential workers could experience back pain due to traditional and non-ergonomic work positions especially on the process move the know to the printout. Work station improvements are designed using the Ergonomic Function Deployment (EFD) method to obtain ergonomic and ergonomic seating designs using anthropometric measurements of human working positions. The anthropometry calculation results show that the height of the ergonomic seating height is 105 cm, the length of the printed table is 1500 cm, the height of the printed table is 53 cm using the high anthropometric dimension of the knee and the height of the 65 cm valve using the height of the sitting elbow. The calculation validation was performed by calculating the final REBA value and obtained the value of action 1 with the low potency level and the potential backbone pain decreased to 20%.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penambahan rumput laut sebagai bahan pengental yang tepat terhadap karakteristik saos pepaya yang dihasilkan. Rancangan percobaan penelitian ini adalah menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan empat perlakuan penambahan rumput laut sebagaibahan pengental (A = 1% rumput laut, B = 2% rumput laut, C = 3% rumput laut, D = 4% rumput laut).Analisa dilakukan untuk menentukan kadar air, kadar pati, dan organoleptik (warna, aroma, rasa dan tekstur), Untuk hasil terbaik dari penambahan rumput laut sebagai bahan pengental terhadap saos pepaya adalah perlakuan A (1% rumput laut) dengan kadar air 86,86%, kadar lemak 0,76%, viskositas 72,00% uji organoleptik wama 4,55.
Proses pengkristalan serbuk bandrek manual pada UKM Ayuk dusun Mangun, Limbangan, mengakibatkan kelelahan pekerja dan menghasilkan residu sebanyak 40% berupa gumpalan kristal besar menyerupai permen. Residu dihasilkan pada kondisi suhu pemasakan 85-90°C dan kecepatan aduk 40 Rpm dengan tenaga manusia. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut peneliti merancang alat pengkristal bandrek menggunakan Desain Eksperimen Taguchi untuk mencapai kondisi ideal guna meminimalkan residu dan mengurangi kerugian secara kuantitatif. Alat yang dirancang digunakan dalam percobaan sebanyak 16 kali sehingga menghasilkan kondisi ideal atau kondisi optimum pada setting suhu 95°-100° C dan kecepatan aduk dengan 80 Rpm. Terlihat adanya penurunan jumlah residu yang sebelumnya 40% menjadi 19% pada hasil implementasi.
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