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PrefaceThe Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) now characterizes and understands modern warfare as a confrontation between opposing operational systems [作战体系] rather than merely opposing armies. Furthermore, the PLA's very theory of victory in modern warfare recognizes system destruction warfare as the current method of modern war fighting. Under this theory, warfare is no longer centered on the annihilation of enemy forces on the battlefield. Rather, it is won by the belligerent that can disrupt, paralyze, or destroy the operational capability of the enemy's operational system. This can be achieved through kinetic and nonkinetic strikes against key points and nodes while simultaneously employing a more robust, capable, and adaptable operational system of its own. These realizations have been reached after watching two decades of U.S. post-Cold War operations and the revolutionary role of information systems in that context. Systems thinking has an enormous impact on how the PLA is currently organizing, equipping, and training itself for future war-fighting contingencies. Although little noticed by Western scholars, thinking about system of systems and systems warfare has been pervasive in PLA writing for more than two decades. It is a topic that has been examined in hundreds of PLA newspaper and journal articles, discussed in dozens of PLA professional military education textbooks, enshrined in PLA military doctrine, and, more recently, promulgated in official Defense White Papers.This report reflects an attempt to understand current thinking in the PLA regarding system of systems and systems wariv Systems Confrontation and System Destruction Warfare fare, as well as current methods of war fighting. It also serves as a guidebook to the already substantial number of systems and systems-related concepts that abound in PLA sources. By examining numerous Chinese-language materials, this report (1) explor...