Matching conductance, viscosity, and density data at 25 ~ intervals between --50 ~ and 125~ have been determined and analyzed for moderately concentrated solutions Of three quaternary ammonium halides in propylene car-bon~te. Detailed results are presented for the fitting of experimental data as functions of molal concentration and temperature to appropriate equations by computer least squares procedures. Calculated results related to moles of solvent displaced per mole of solute and also apparent molal volumes indicate the lack of significant ion-solvent interactions in the solutions of the quaternary ammonium salts in propylene carbonate. Additionally, conductance-viscosity products and activation energies of viscous flow and conductance have been calculated and discussed. Throughout the broadly varying experimental conditions over the 175~ range, the conductances of the three salts have been found to be iairly closely proportional to the fluidity, or reciprocal of the viscosity, of the medium.Conductances and viscosities of moderately concentrated solutions of Bu4NI, KSCN, and NH4Br in N,Ndimethylformamide from --50 ~ to 125~ were dealt with in the first article in this series (1). As a supplementary, parallel investigation on other nonaqueous electrolyte solutions over the unusually broad 175~ range, the present conductance-viscosity study relates to solutions of three quaternary ammonium halides in propylene carbonate, a solvent which like DMF has received much attention during the last 15-20 years.Propylene carbonate or 4-methyl-l,3-dioxolan-2-F -~ I one,H3C--CH--CH2--O--C=O, symbolized by PC, is a commercially available cyclic ester which has become established as a promising electrolytic solvent (2). It has a liquid range extending from --49 ~ to 241~ and is a good solvent for most quaternary ammonium salts, selected alkali metal salts, and organic compounds. PC as a dipolar, aprotic liquid has the following physical properties at 25~ dielectric constant, 64.9 (3) ; viscosity, 2.513 eP (4) ; density, 1.1995 gcm -~ (5); dipole moment, 4.94 debyes (6); Kirkwood correlation factor, 1.01 (3).Other studies dealing with conductances and viscosities of both dilute and concentrated solutions of electrolytes in PC have been reported or summarized (2, 4, 7-i0), but none of these have significantly overlapped with the scope of this work. The quaternary ammoium salts were selected primarily because they were found to be among the most soluble common salts in PC at --50~ The major objective of this study, other than obtaining extensive and valuable new data, was