As the deeply and broadly applying GIS,GIS has turned into the main technology of management of spatial information as well as integrated platform carried with spatial information, and gradually melted into mainstream of IT. However, due to the content and source diversity of spatial data and the platform difference of GIS software, GIS application is still a "black box" which leads to difficulties of data and functions sharing between GIS applications. Hence, both study On interoperability technology of GIS and solution on interoperability bottleneck between GIS applications have become the most valuable research in GIS domain. Based on Web service and OWS model of OGC, this paper built Application Integration Layer, Web Application Manager Layer, Service Registry Layer, and GML Spatial Data Storage Layer for GML Spatial Interoperability Framework. This paper established SOAP generation mechanism, WSDL description mechanism and UDDI service registry mechanism for GML Spatial Service, and provided templates for Spatial Web Service Interoperability.
1IntroductionInteroperability is the ability of communication, executing programs and exchanging data between functional cells (such objects or services) in the case of that user know little or even nothing about characteristic of these functional cells. Two components: X and Y (see Figure 1) can interoperate (are interoperable), if X can send requests R for services to Y, based on a mutual understanding of R by X and Y, and if Y can similarly return mutually understandable responses S to X.
Figure1 Interoperability (from OGC)"Geographic interoperability" is the ability of information systems to 1) freely exchange all kinds of spatial information about the Earth and about the objects and phenomena on, above, and below the Earth's surface;and 2) cooperatively, over networks, run software capable of manipulating such information.
2OGC Web Service Interoperability Model
Basic interoperability of serviceBased on OpenGIS® Service model of OGC, OGC developed Interoperability Program Service Model(IPSM), which aimed at description of how to embed spatial software service into interoperability infrastructure and extent diversified, loose data and service resource[2][3]. IPSM pay close attention to existed technology, platform and mechanism about the implement of interoperability service, according to OGC Abstract Specification Topic 12(Service Architecture).On OGC's opinion: application shall be dynamically integrated and configured by service finding. Since the diversity of methods of creating service, IPSM only described interoperability mechanism without associated implementation. In IPSM, Web Architecture is a distributed compute model based on 31st Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference(COMPSAC 2007) 0-7695-2870-8/07 $25.00 © 2007process element (service), connect element (connecter) and data element (resource), which defined discern resource and methods to access and operate these resource.
OGC Web Service Interoperability ModelOGC service int...