Abstract.Let Bv be the set of real valued functions on R which are bounded and uniformly continuous. For /, g € Brj , put rf,i)-iup|/(0-*MI.Then Bv becomes a metric space. On Bv we define a flow n by n(f, t) = ft for (/, t) e By x R . We denote the restriction of n to the hull of / e By by r\f . If / is almost periodic, then the set of eigenvalues of r\f coincides with the module of / (see J. Egawa, Eigenvalues of compact minimal flows, Math. Seminar Notes (Kobe Univ.), 10 (1982), 281-291. In this paper, we extend this result to almost periodic functions with some additional properties.We denote the sets of real numbers and complex numbers by R and C, respectively. Let X be a metric space with metric dx ■ A continuous mapping T: XxR-y X is called a flow on (¿z phase space) X, if T satisfies the following two conditions:(1) Tix,0)=x for xcX. (2) P(P(jc ,t),s) = P(x ,t + s) for x £X and t,s £R. The orbit of T through x £ X is denoted by Crix), that is, Crix) = {P(x, t); t £ R}. The closure of a set A c X is denoted by A. A subset Af c X is called an invariant set of T if we have Crix) c Af for every x £ M. We denote the restriction of T to an invariant set Af of T by T\M. A nonempty compact invariant set Af of T is called a minimal set of T if we have Crix) = M for every x £ M. If X is itself a minimal set of T, we say that T is a minimal flow on X. We say that T is equicontinuous, if for every e > 0 there exists a S > 0 such that for x, y £ X with dxix, y) < ô and t £ R we have dxiTix, t), P(y, t)) < e. Proposition 1. Let T be a flow on a compact metric space X. If T is equicontinuous, then for every x £ X CTix) is a minimal set of T.Proof. Easy.Let Tn be flows on I" (zz = 1, 2, ...). We denote the product flow of {Tn} on Y\ZxXn by n~i Tn ■