The authors consider the nth-order differential equation ?(?(u(n?1)(x)))?=
f(x, u(x), ..., u(n?1)(x)), for 2?(0, 1), where ?: R? R is an increasing
homeomorphism such that ?(0) = 0, n?2, I:= [0,1], and f : I ?Rn ? R is a
L1-Carath?odory function, together with the boundary conditions gi(u, u?,
..., u(n?2), u(i)(1)) = 0, i = 0, ..., n? 3, gn?2 (u, u?, ..., u(n?2),
u(n?2)(0), u(n?1)(0)) = 0, gn?1 (u, u?, ..., u(n?2), u(n?2)(1), u(n?1)(1))
= 0, where gi : (C(I))n?1?R ? R, i = 0, ..., n?3, and gn?2, gn?1 :
(C(I))n?1?R2 ? R are continuous functions satisfying certain monotonicity
assumptions. The main result establishes sufficient conditions for the
existence of solutions and some location sets for the solution and its
derivatives up to order (n?1). Moreover, it is shown how the monotone
properties of the nonlinearity and the boundary functions depend on n and
upon the relation between lower and upper solutions and their derivatives.