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Documents inWhile it is difficult to record a network structure in most industries, in the adult film industry collaboration between performers is easily observed. Consequently, a collaborative network can be constructed for which centrality measures can be calculated in order to estimate the effect on success. Unfortunately, success is not easily observed either.Hence, in this manuscript, the survival in the industry is used as a proxy for professional success. This assumption is justified by the economic argument that, in the absence of lock-in effects, performers will remain in the industry as long as it remains profitable. The profitability will not only depend on monetary aspects, but, in addition to economic costs, it takes potential costs from loss of reputation and personal well-being into account.The research at hand stands stands out by pioneering the use of centrality measures in duration models which, to the best of my knowledge, is a novel approach in the field. The * I am thankful to Pascal Hofmann and Julian Kessel for their assistance in obtaining and pre-processing the data. Further, the critique during the Survival Analysis class taught by Guido Bünstorf (Kassel University) was very helpful in the early stages of this paper. As always, I am grateful for all the advice by Peter Winker (Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen). Last but not least I want to thank and their contributors, whose data collection has enabled this work.† Center for international Development and Environmental Research, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, 1 results indicate that there is a strong correlation between network centrality and industry survival for the adult film industry.JEL classification: C41, D80, C55