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In the context of this article, the term 'Sinai pericope' refers specifically to Exodus 19-24, which contains the Decalogue and the Covenant Code. I am aware of the fact that several scholars use this term in a broader sense to refer to Exodus 19 to Numbers 10. 2.For instance, the Covenant Code seems to interrupt the narrative. Therefore, Hyatt (1971:197) and Noth (1962:154) have argued that the Decalogue originally followed Exodus 20:18-21 and was therefore inserted into the current narrative. Eissfeld (1965:213-219) and Boecker (1980:130) took this argument further by proposing that the whole of the Covenant Code (Ex 20:22-23:33) was inserted into the present narrative.3.Otto`s proposal dictates that the Covenant Code was inserted into the Sinai pericope. Therefore, Otto `s proposal can also fall into this first category. However, Otto blends diachronic and synchronic approaches in a rather unique way, and therefore his proposal will be discussed separately.The composition of the Sinai pericope presents the reader with several literary problems, with specific reference to the incoherence of the text caused by textual irregularities in the sense of time, genre and theological issues. The chronological issues have led to the proposal that the legal codes (The Decalogue and Covenant Code) were interpolated into a broader narrative framework. Several scholars have attempted to unravel the Sinai pericope with diachronic or synchronic tools. This article investigates several solutions in order to understand Eckart Otto's contribution to the current debate.Intradisciplinary and/or interdisciplinary implications: This article engages literary criticism and hermeneutics to evaluate Eckart Otto's solution in the broader framework of the history of research.
Joshua 24 is generally assumed to be the concluding chapter of a Hexateuch. Several texts in Genesis and Exodus are indeed taken up in Joshua 24. In recent times, these texts have generally been assigned to a post-Priestly layer of redaction. In this essay, I argue that the direction of influence runs from Joshua 24 to the books of Genesis and Exodus, instead of linearly from Genesis-Exodus to Joshua. I propose that Genesis 34 and 35:1–4 reacts to the assumed pro-Samaritan viewpoint of Joshua 24. Furthermore, I postulate that Genesis 33:18–20, 50:24–26, and Exodus 13:19 aim to explain the unique traditions in Joshua 24. This emphasises the theological importance of Joshua 24 in the debate surrounding the Samaritan identity in post-exilic times, while reassessing the literary question surrounding a Hexateuch redaction.
The differences between the MT and LXX texts of Joshua 24 are numerous and complex. In this essay, I will discuss these differences from a theological viewpoint. I will start with the assumption that the MT of Joshua 24 displays a distinctive pro-Samaritan attitude. The aim of this essay is to determine the theological viewpoint of the LXX of Joshua 24 regarding the attitude toward the Samaritan question. I will argue that the LXX of Joshua 24 displays an antiSamaritan attitude and that it embeds the covenant of Joshua 24 in the broader narrative of apostasy and fall, in sharp contrast to the MT of Joshua 24.
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