The minor metabolites of both Pacific and Atlantic Ocean specimens of the cold water soft coral Gersemia rubiformis have been investigated. Pacific coast animals yielded two new pseudopterane diterpenoids, isogersemolides A (11) and B (12), and four new cembrane diterpenoids, isoepilophodiones A (13), B (14), and C (15) and rubifol(16). Atlantic coast animals yielded 3-acetoxy-P-cubebene (17 Chem. 66, 2928Chem. 66, (1988.On a examink les mitabolites mineurs d'kchantillons, provenant de l'ockan Atlantique ainsi que de l'ockan Pacifique, du corail mou vivant en eau froide Gersemia rubiformis. Les animaux du Pacifique ont fourni deux nouveaux diterpknoides du pseudoptirane, les isogerskmolides A (11) et B (12) ainsi que quatre nouveaux diterpkno'ides du cembrane, les isokpilophodiones A (13), B (14) et C (15) ainsi que le rubifol (16). Les animaux de 1'Atlantique ont fourni de 1'acCtoxy-3 P-cubCbtne (17). Les structures qui sont proposkes pour les mktabolites sont toutes basies sur des analyses spectroscopiques ainsi que sur des interconversions chimiques.[Traduit par la revue]Tropical reef environments, particularly in the Indo-Pacific, are populated by a large variety of soft corals. In contrast to the tropical diversity of soft corals, the cold waters off both the eastern and western Canadian coasts harbour an extremely limited number of soft coral species (I).Gersemia rubiformis, commonly referred to as the "sea from Canadian waters. Our previous chemical studies on G.4 raspberry", is one soft coral that can be collected in abundance (7) (4), the gersolane diterpenoid gersolide (8) (5), and the cuprane sesquiterpenoids tochuinyl acetate (9) and dihydrotochuinyl acetate (10) (6). Our continuing investigations of the minor metabolites of both east and west coast specimens of G . rubiformis have resulted in the isolation of six new diterpenoids, 11-16, from the Pacific animals, and one new sesquiterpenoid, 17, from the Atlantic animals. We now wish to report the +.lit< structures of these new G. rubiformis metabolites.n Pacific coast specimens Samples of G. rubiformis were collected by hand using SCUBA (-5 to -15 m) around the Gordon Islands off the northern tip of Vancouver Island. Freshly collected soft coral was immediately immersed in methanol and extracted at room temperature for 2-3 days. The organic soluble portion of the methanol extract was fractionated by sequential application of 'present silica gel flash, silica gel preparative thin-layer (tlc), radial thin-layer, and normal and reverse phase high performance (hplc) chromatographies to give pure metabolites.Isogersemolide A (11) was obtained from methanol as colourless needles (mp 121-124°C). It showed a parent ion in the HREIMS at 328.1669 daltons appropriate for a molecular formula of C20H2404 (AM = -0.6 mmu), identical to that of gersemolide (7). The 13C nrnr spectrum of 11 ( Table 2) showed resonances that could be assigned to eight olefinic carbons, two ketone carbonyls, and one lactone carbonyl. Six of the olefinic carbons and all three of t...