Sieva or Carolina, Red Cranberry, White Cranberry, White Dutch case knife, or Princess, fine for snaps or string Beans, Large Scarlet Runners, Asparagus or yard long, London Horticultural Cranberry, a very rich and productivevariety, Large White French Soisson New, an excellent sort very productive, BEET, (Betterave,) Early Blood Turnip rooted, Early Yellow Turnip rooted, Early White Scarcity, Early Red Scarcity, Long Blood Red True, Mangel Wurtzel, White Silesian, or White Sugar True, Sir John Sinclair's, Swiss Chard, tops used, Long White Canada, a new and very fine variety, very sweet and keeps well through winter, BRUSSELS SPROUTS, (Chou de Bruxelles a geto,)B ORECOLE,