Teaching a one-week course lo older students in the Elderhostel program can be a rewarding experience, as the students are highly motivated, very receptive, and energetic. The course, called "Survival Spankh, " of necessity has a skeletal framework and a specific objective: inrroducing students to rhe basic sound sysrem and enough basic structure and vocabulary items in order 10 survive.The Elderhostel has been in existence for several years and is well known by retired people. Weeklong courses on dozens of college and university campuses across the nation range f r o m archeological digs to zoology. On several campuses courses in foreign languages, which can jokingly be called FLOP (foreign language for older people) are offered. In the three groups I taught in the Elderhostel programs at Winthrop College in Rock Hill, SC, I found the students, who ranged in age from 60 to 83, alert, highly motivated, and very receptive. The term FLOP is not my own; it was used by Frank Grittner in Teaching Foreign Languages' and may have a more remote origin."Survival Spanish" is a five-hour course, FREE New Catalog -New ESL texts in reading. listening comprehension, writing. speaking and grammar by distinguished Newbury House authors Also, new Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, Psycholinguistics and Foreign Language texts in Spanish French and German. teacher tralning and p e~o~l reference We are panicularly proud of this year's contribution to the Language Arts --------------------.0 Pkase send new, Free Catalog Name School/college Address Ci ty-State-Zi p-NEWBURY HOUSE Publishers, Inc. RowIey, MA 01969 FLA4.83 LANGUAGE GAMES TO TEACH SPANISH Students learn faster with enjoyable materials. Tongue twisters, proverbs, games and activities en urage them to learn Spanish by using it. Jugando Hablamos for intriguing and teacher-efficient. pri r# ry and Palabras, Palabritas for secondary through adult are Send for free brochure describing Teacher's Resource Book and Student Worksheets. CINGUAMETRICS GROUP P O . Box3495,Dept. 16,SanRafael.CA 94912 415-459-0212 Plcax mention Foreign Language Annak when wrillng to advertisers