Figure 1. Axial "CTsection reveals a cystic mass in the left supraclauiculnr area. Thefl uidjluid levelsuggests a hemorrhagic component.Chylomas are cysts or pseudocysts that arise from th e thoracic d uct and its tr ibutaries. Chylomas can be either congen italor acq uired .1.2Acquired chylomas can resu lt from thoracic surgery, radic al neck d issection, blunt or penetrating trauma, or tumor erosion, or th ey can occur secondary to subclavian vein line placernent.i-'The thoracic duct is th e com mo n trunk whe re mo st ofth e lymphatic channels dr ain , and its unique anato my predisposes it to trauma.v' The th oracic duct congregates mo st of th e chyle and lym ph fro m th e blood . Macrosc opically,chyle appea rs as a turbid , mi lky fluid composed ofem ulsified fat, triglycerid es, proteins, glucose, elect rolytes, ant ithrom bin globulin, prothrombin, and fibrin ogen , as well as cellul ar co m po nents such as lymphocytes and erythr ocy tes.v'The th or acic duct extends from the cistern a ch yli, at th e level of th e secon d lu m bar verte bral body, to a struc ture posterior and to th e right of the ao rta .1. 2 From the cisterna chyli, it ascends into the chest thro ugh the aortic hiat us, along the right side of the aorta , and co nti nues posterior to the esophagus in the posterior mediastinum between th e aorta and th e azygos vein. As the thoracic duct exits the thoracic inlet, it continues to dr ain into the jun ction of th e left subclavian vein and left intern al ju gular vein.l -' At thi s junction, th e duct system is at risk of traum a or injury during th oracic or neck surgery."We describe th e case of a 58-year-old man whose chi ef co m plaint was a left-sided neck mass of approx ima tely 3 weeks' duration. The pati ent denied dysph agia or dysphonia and had a medical h isto ry of a gunsho t wo und to th e left side of th e chest that had required th oracic an d vascular surg ical intervention.Physical exam ination of th e left side of th e neck revealed a 5 x 5-cm soft, mobile mass at th e level of the left clavicle that felt to be separate from th e th yro id gland and th at From the Departm ent of Radiology , Tulane University Medical Ce nter, New O rleans 12 ' ENT-Ear, Nose