enior student nurses, as part of their community
Statement ot PurposeThe Journal of School Health. an official publication of the American School Health Assodation, publishes material related to health promotion in school settings. Journal readership indudes administrators, educators, nurses, physicians, dentists, dental hygienists, psychologlsts. counselors, soda1 workers, nutritionists, dietitians, and other health professionals. These individuals work cooperatively with parents and the community to achieve the common goal of providing children and adolescents with the programs, services, and environment necessary to promote health and improve learning.Comrnenbrln, Teaching Technlques, and Health Servlce Appllcatlons. Primary consideration is given to manuscripts related to the health of children, adolescents, and employees in public and private preschools, child day care centers, kindergartens, elementary schools, middle level schools, and senior high schools. Manuscripts related to collegeage young aduh are considered if the topic has implications for preschool through high school health programs. Relevant international manuscripts are also considered.Prior to submitting a manuscript, prospective authors should review the most recent "Guidelines for Authors." printed periodically in the Journal. Copies may also be obtained from the Journal office, P.O. Box 708, Kent, OH 44240, or electronically from treed@ashaweb.org.