Retail clinics are an increasingly popular source for medical care. Concerns have been raised about the impact of these clinics on costs, quality, and delivery of preventive care.
To address these concerns, we compared the care for three acute conditions at retail clinics and other care settings.
Enrollees of a large Minnesota health plan
Enrollees who received care for otitis media, pharyngitis, or urinary tract infection (UTI)
We aggregated 2005–2006 claims data from a large health plan into care episodes (units that included initial and follow-up visits, pharmaceuticals, and ancillary tests). After identifying 2100 episodes (700 each) in which otitis media, pharyngitis, and UTI were treated first in retail clinics, we matched them with episodes in which these illnesses were treated first in physician offices, urgent care clinics and emergency departments.
Costs per episode, performance on 14 quality indicators, receipt of 7 preventive care services at the initial appointment or subsequent 3 months.
Overall costs of care for episodes initiated at retail clinics were substantially lower than matched episodes initiated at physician offices, urgent care clinics, and emergency departments ($110 vs. $166, $156, $570 respectively, p<0.001 for each comparison). Prescription costs were similar in retail clinics, physician offices, and urgent care clinics ($21, $21, $22), as were aggregate quality scores (63.6%, 61.0%, 62.6%), and patient’s receipt of preventive care (14.5%, 14.2%, 13.7%) (p>0.05 for comparisons with retail clinics). At emergency departments, average prescription costs were higher and aggregate quality scores were significantly lower.
Analyzing claims data limits the number of quality measures and preventive care services studied. Despite matching, patients at different care sites might differ in their severity of illness.
Compared to physician offices and urgent care clinics, retail clinics provide less costly treatment for three common illnesses, with no apparent adverse impact on quality of care or delivery of preventive care.
California HealthCare Foundation