Vaccinia virus (W) is a potent immunogen, but the nature of VV proteins involved in the activation of the immune response of the host is not yet known. By screening a lambda gtll expression library of rabbitpox virus DNA with serum from humans vaccinated against smallpox or with serum from VV-immunized animals, we identified several VV genes that encode highly antigenic viral proteins with molecular masses of 62, 39, 32, 25, 21, and 14 kDa. It was found that VV proteins of 62, 39, 25, and 21 kDa are part of the virus core, while proteins of 32 and 14 kDa are part of the virus envelope. All of these proteins were synthesized at late times postinfection. Proteins of 62 and 25 kDa were produced by cleavage of larger precursors of 95 kDa (p4a) and 28 kDa, respectively. The 21-kDa protein was the result of a cleavage of p4a, presumably at amino acid Gly-697. DNA sequence analysis, in comparison with the known nucleotide sequence of W, provided identification of the corresponding open reading frames. Expression of the viral genes in Escherichia coli was used to monitor which of the viral antigens elicit immunodominant responses and the location of antigenic domains. Three viral antigens of 62, 39, and 32 kDa exhibited immunodominant characteristics. The most antigenic sites of 62 and 39 kDa were identified at the N terminus (amino acids 132 to 295) and C terminus (last 103 amino acids), respectively. Immunization of mice with the 62-, 39-, or 14-kDa antigenic proteins conferred different degrees of protection from VV challenge. Proteins of 32 and 14 kDa induced cellular proliferative responses in VV-infected mice. Our findings demonstrate the nature of VV proteins involved in the activation of host immune responses after vaccination, provide identification of the viral gene locus, and define structural and immunological properties of these antigenic VV proteins. * Corresponding author. MATERIALS AND METHODS Materials. Restriction endonucleases, modifying enzymes, isopropyl- ,-D-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG), and protein A were obtained from Bethesda Research Laboratories, Inc., New England Biolabs, or Boehringer Mannheim Biochemicals. The radioisotopes [3H]thymidine, [35S]methionine, 125I, and [32P]dATP were from Amersham or ICN. Goat anti-rabbit peroxidase and goat anti-human peroxidase were from Organon Teknika, Cappel. Cloning, mapping, and DNA sequence analysis. DNA manipulations were carried out as previously described (31). DNA fragments obtained by digestion of viral and phage 386