lnost satiEtÍOns' and which I report, as the result was "'«tor,,°r-v iUl1' llils remained so for fifteen months. :i *»-*' Helen r-" »hen o age 17, m g00tl general health, fell on '*'" 'nul foreh" "»onths of age and burned the left side of ,, "Plier .. , ' w''i''li caused marked eicatricial ectropion ift-fifaSár*lid8v'i to a tr i was me°hanical plosis of the upper J " slight em,." Inul broad pedicle flap from the forehead, l ¡dni P' et e eètroni '°f Ulis thiek Ud at the outer cxtremity¡ in *'le l'erii t°"°^* '"' 'ower "''> scar tissue binding the Ha fn 'll(,'i fr°U ni' There was extensive sear tissue extcnd-'oii "le teiiii,]' ," r, external canthus, up and down and toi ' ,Ml "11 I'liini,,!!' ,rile e5'e diverged 20 degrees and there was PcrQtiQ "• ¡""'' »ted ns"i 0ni cs"' i s'Dec-1'1909' under ether anesUlesia> i i h,Sl 0r> w»s UWs: Beginning at the external canthus an do)°f tlle orbit , 0lltw,ml and slightly upward beyond the fr the ion, ' exPosing the periosteum. A second incision, t], ni the extern i of the first, extending directly downward "kiT tw°i nci '" onill'uls was "oxt made, and the ends of th This t"8 '°'"ed by. n tl,ird' as in the Szymanowski