Msting GUI btider technology supports btiding user interfaces for interactive applications via direct manip ulation. However, it is notoriously~ctit to btid the underlying data sharing and application logic for rmdti-user synchronous co~aborative applications. This paper describes a co~ection of very high-levd software components, bfit using the JavaBeans component standard, that enables domain experts and application dsigners to rapi~y bfid entire co~aborative apphcatiorts via Visual progr arnming -drag-and~op, customization and wiring. Our component suite supports conference setup, awareness, data sharing, media streaming, acc~s synchronization, and tempordy coordinated media and event streams. TVe~nstrate that the task of btiding non-trivia mdti-user applications using this approach is si@-tly s"np~ed.
Ke~ordsRapid Application Devdopment, Visud"Rogramming, Software Components, Java Beans,~en&Server Synchronous CoUaboratioñ
TRODUCTIONAs the use of distributed applications is becoming more widespread in today's networked world, the relevance of synchronous collaboration is sharply increasing. Users in a number of application domains are seeking syn&onous co~aboration~pabiities within their appfication~. The requirements of this broad range of ap~c ations me diverse enough that a 'one size fits d" approach to b@ding applications is no longer satisfactory. Our qerience suggests that rapid turnaround of customized co~aborative applications is critid to meet this incressed demand for synchronous co~aboration.Permission to make di~tal or hard copies of d] or part ofthis \\-orkfor personal or cl~aom use is granted without fee protided that copies are not made or dis~%uted for profit or commercial adv-antageand that copies bar this notice and tie fill citation on tie fmt paga To copy orhmlisa to post on swera or to rdlsmiute to~sts, rquires prior~etific permission and!or a f= CS~V 98 Sattle Ii'zshington GSA Cop~fight AChI 199S 1-5S1134094/9S/1 1...S5.00There are several advanced tools to rapidly construct the GW part of applications via direct manipulation. However, btiding the distributed application logic for mdti-user applications is notoriously~cult. This part of applications typically involve software compñ ents running on separate computers, communicating and synchronizing with ah other, sharing data as needed, and managing user information. To get rapid turnaround, it is necessary to design programming tools that hide this complexi~under cl=, -y-t-use interfaces so that application domain experts and GUI designers are able to rapidy put together the underlying distribution logic of applications within a visual builder q environment.Most applications needing synchronous collaboration capabfities *O need a variety of other apabifities, such as a sophisticated GUI, datab=e access, wor~ow services, etc. It is thus necessary to provide synchronous co~aboration =pab%ties = components that can interoperate with components provided by other vendors. fithermore, the component set needs to be extensible so th...