Irrigated plots of a mixed sward of Lolium perenne, Paspalum dilatatum, Bromus unioloides, Dactylis glomerata and TrifoUum repens were used in 2 experiments during 4 years. In the first experiment, die treatments comprised factorial combinations of heights of cutting of 3, 6 and 10 cm (1-2, 2-4 and 3-9 in.) above ground level, and heights of growth of 5,13 and 20 cm (2 0, 51 and 8-0 in.) above the height of cutting. In the second experiment, 8 comhinations of dose (3 cm or 1-2 in.) or lax (10 cm or 3-9 in.) cutting were applied at various times during eadi year.In the first experiment, DM production for cutting heights of 3, 6 and 10 cm was 50, 44 and 43 t/ha (19 8,17-5 and 171 ton/ac), respectively; the DOM production was 37,32 and 32 t/ha (14 7, 12-7 and 12-7 ton/ac). DM production for growth heights of 5,13 and 20 cm was 45,46 and 48 t/ha (17-9, 18 3 and 191 ton/ac), respectively. DOM production, 34 t/ha (13-5 ton/ac), was not affected by height of growth.Percentages of protein (26, 22 and 20) and DOM (76, 72 and 71) declined as the height of growth was increased; but cutting height produced no significant effects in them. As cutting height was increased the percentage of clover declined (40, 31 and 23) and that of grasses increased (52, 66 and 72); diere were smaller changes with changes in height of growth.Hie second experiment showed that the difference between close and lax cutting became significant only when lax cutting was applied for at least half of the cuts each year. DM production was similar for treatments witii the same number of close or lax cuts, regardless of the time of year at which the two heights of cutting were applied.